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Livingstone should have been asked for help with anti-Dsei protests

Rockwell | 14.09.2003 12:40 | London

Ken Livingstone the mayor of London said he was dead against the arms fair at Excel so why wasn't he approached to help out with organising the protests against it. He could have been asked to help fund the protests with council money and advertise the protests on the Tottally London website.

Ken Livingstone was once one of he most active people on the left in the seventies and eighties and is now in a very powerfull position as mayor of Greater London so it should have been obvious that he should have been approached for help to build for the anti-Dsei protests.



Display the following 6 comments

  1. true — p
  2. nah — git
  3. Di I not suggest other means?` — ram
  4. Ken- Red? — angrymink
  5. Turnaround Livingstone — John sessions
  6. Get a life, Get a grip — Yeah Whatever