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Noborder Camp in Krynki, Poland

ab | 06.07.2003 11:14 NoBorder Camp | Border Camps | Anti-racism | Free Spaces | Migration | Repression | Social Struggles | World

On the 30. Juni 2003 a demonstration took place against borders, deportations and the new visa-regulations in Warsaw, Poland.
This noborder demo in Warsaw on June 30 ended with 16 arrests for a short time.
A website with templates for appeals to authorities and more info was prepared.

The demo ended a noborder conference and an International Anarchist Meeting preceding the Krynki bordercamp which started on June 2nd.


Poland has now officially decided last month to join the European Union, and is now changing.
Beforehand the people from Poland were excluded themselves from Fortress Europe, now, in future the exclusion and deportation of people from the East, Asia and Africa is emphasized.
In regard to obtaining the membership of the EU, Poland is introducing new visa regulations towards its eastern neighbours:
Belarussia, Russia and Ukraine, in order to demonstrate an obedience towards the Schengen regulations.
From the 2nd to the 7th of july a Noborder Camp is taking place in Krynki, at the borders to Belarussia, Russia and Ukraine.

+ Report from anarchist conference in warsaw (04.07.03)
+ Program of Anarchist Conference

Noborder updates:
Wednesday 2nd of july:
+ update 2.7.2003
+ first day of the camp
+ Programs of all the Krynki Noborder Camps

Friday 4th of july:
+ report

Krynki noborder Camp has come to an end

Further Links:
+ Deportation Stop
+ Poland Indymedia
+ Noborder Network



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Saturday actions

08.07.2003 10:51

At 18:00 on Sat 5 July, about 200 activists and local inhabitants went together from Krynki to the border with Bielorussia. Some police/border guard cars were blockaded from passing along the road and were forced to drive off road in order to pass the protestors.

At the border, street theatre was used to show the nature of the border regime: people in cars and rich people get through easily; poor people do not get through unless they act in solidarity. Children played games with chalk on the road, an autonomous space at the border was held for about an hour.

Some people crossed the border by a few metres or so and came back unharmed. An unmarked (secret) police car came up to the demonstrators, but did not do anything silly. One border guard filmed the whole demonstration.

Everyone came back safely and there were no arrests.

There were some identity checks on Sunday morning and border guards claimed that we were "offending Poland". Activists resisted the temptation to discuss politics with the border guards in response to their authoritarian provocations.


more photos and reports

11.07.2003 14:32

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