The best way to deal with professional spammers on indymedia...
Phatpat | 05.06.2003 11:33 to ignore them! There are spammers like our own dear realist who attempt to clog up the threads or initiate false ones at other indemedia sites around the world, and they often fail because no one will engage with them
Well, its just that I've noticed that these guys almost always succeed in derailing threads here on indimedia uk, because people actually engage with them, which often takes the thread right away from where it should be - on the news. There is no point engaging with a professional spammer - its what he wants. Theres no point posting angry retorts, he'll just enjoy it and lead the thread further away. You are doing his job for him. Ignore the designed to inflame rhetoric, go back to the original post, read what THAT said, and reply or respond only to that. Also, its often sooo easy to spot a paid spammer's own newswire posting - how often (yawn) have we been assured of the existance of weapons of mass destruction on Indimedias newswire in say, the past fortnight? Hmm. No one bored yet? If you find your email inbox is clogged with rediculous ads for cheap Viagra, porn and misplaced fortunes, what do you do - delete and move on, or reply with a critique of pornography and capitalism? Indimedia's just the same - dont give the spammers an inch, a jot of credibility by reading or replying to their posts.
The point is, other sites have found that where these parasites are concerned, silence is golden. We could learn from that. Dont buy their shit.
The point is, other sites have found that where these parasites are concerned, silence is golden. We could learn from that. Dont buy their shit.
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