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pirates ahoy update

sprout | 02.06.2003 20:15 | Evian G8 | Oxford

big up the pirate massive, pink and silver infiltrate the yellow zone hot news

ok, no war ships BUT, 6 police boats tried massively to cut up the oilbarrel boat, so they stopped for their picnic(liquid) and plotted some more...they headed for the habour and tried to ground the police vessels, meanwhile the onshore piratical cru, stripped to their undies and swam out to their compadres...the police then issued a humourless warning that 'if zey attempted to enter ze red zone, it vill get wery nasty for zem' official warning, so then the the lifeguards then 'offered' to tow them into the red zone, to be arrested...some pirates boarded the lifeboat, causing somewhat of a commotion, and politley asked them to negociate on their behalf, for safe passge to friendlier shores, so all our friends are home and dry hurray hurrah ra rar rar rar
ps lifeguards quote, verbatum, 'the police are scum'



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02.06.2003 21:20

I'm sure that it's wonderful over there, I am eagerly awaiting news of my partner who is there, but why the liquid picnic? I see many references to the consumption of alcohol in these reports and wonder what this can possibly say about people's integrity and state of mind - I really don't think it does you any favours. I really do respect what you have done , but I question people's motives and this is really a genuine interest into theline that is drawn between how people choose to live their daily lives and the change they wish to bring about ?????????

obituary birthday


02.06.2003 23:53

There's also many references that do not include alcohol. Theres an awful lot of people there. It's not up to you if people drink or not. The boat idea is brilliant. Sometimes a bit of 'dutch courage' can help. While the mainstream media may latch on to a few people with alcohol the rest of their reporting is equally distorted ( and probably done from 'Mahogany Ridge' ie. a hotel bar ) so fuck em because they are not on the side ( including the Graudian... ) of the people but the side of the large wage packet. See Monday's Graudian for latest innacurate reporting....


first attempt on sunday

03.06.2003 22:02

First attempt to reach Evian crossing the lake was done on sunday btw. and four ships participated with a crew of 25 in total. They got till 2 km. out of the coast of Lausanne (with 10 more to go to reach Evian) and had banners on them reading Free Water For All, Rage and a mickey-mouse skull and bones flag. And of course some pirate flags, since the aim was to run into the conference-centre, plant the flag on the balcony and drink all their champagne.

After two km more and more swiss police-boats and one french stopped the flotilla, pushed them back and announced that everybody would get into more serious trouble. After a discussion on the lake (we were 10 different nationalities) we decided to give up and paddle back to base. The swiss ship was towed back by a swiss police-boat but the other pirates refused any help. The french raft (the only one with a cannon on board) started to sink and had most of its crew transfered to the dutch raft. Next time we'll be more and motorised and they will loose.