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Greek Indymedia Always Down...

Babeuf | 25.06.2003 14:31 | Indymedia

Whenever there is conflict or war this site goes down due to technical problems!!!

For a second time in the space of two months the Greek indymedia servers have problems.
Funny how they are linked to events in the outside world.
tens of people have been arrested as a consequence of the police attacks in Thessaloniki and there is no way of posting anything on the Indymedia servers in Greece.
Is it not the case that Greek indymedia run by a character who works for a national daily and with close links to the US security services doesn't conveniently pull the plyg ont he site when it is most needed.
A lot of people in the Greek left currently believe this to be the case.
Why are all the other indymedia collectives silent?
Is it because they know they can do nothing about it?
Either which way independent news service cannot be independent if it always dissapears at crucial times of struggle unless we are to assume news is only there for when it has no meaning...



Display the following 3 comments

  1. days of action mean high load on server... — user
  2. Proof! Evidence! — user
  3. there is no conspiracy — yossarian