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Oxford Social Forum

Chakuwi | 18.06.2003 11:25 | Oxford

Call for an Oxford Social Forum

The War on Iraq produced an amazing awakening in Oxford and in the UK as a whole. For the first time in years large numbers of people woke up and challenged the monsterous lies and injustice perpetrated by our government. We saw the biggest demonstration in History as people from all walks of life started ACTING; RESISTANCE became and acceptable word. With this Politicisation also came a new unity, and a new understanding and solidarity between different individuals, groups and communities in Oxford.

We had created a new space for political activity and community consciousness that acted outside of "traditional" political boundaries.

With this in mind it would be a great shame to lose this culture, this friendship and this energy. The war may be over but the need for alternatives is greater than ever.

Hence I am opening this discussion on a potential idea for the future. A creative space in Oxford where people of all generations and backgrounds can share ideas, experiences, campaigns, actions and enjoyment. An easy way for people to plug in to Oxford activism and a way of using the energy, mobilised by war, for wider aims of social, political and cultural empowerment.

If you think this is a good idea (and even if you don't) lets start to talk about ideas for (or against) some kind of Oxford 'Social Forum'.

with friendship,



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Mailing list

18.06.2003 12:37

Just to say that there is also an oxford social forum mailing list that has been set up, if you want to take part in discussions and give ideas and suggestions.

To join the list go to , to post to it send emails to oxford-social-forum at .



Good news indeed!

19.06.2003 14:25

I am happy to hear this - I have recently set up a website to track the development of Social Fora around the UK, to collect all this information into one place and put the various groups into contact with each other.

There is a message board and links to all the other Social Fora I have discovered on my travels.

If you know of any Social Fora in the UK then please come to the site and leave a message ;O)


ox social forum-making it happen- lets get it going, here and now

24.06.2003 13:27

make it colourful
make it colourful

hi lads
dunk here
re the social forum, im not too sure of what it should be, but i think it has to be as open, inclussive, non-cliquish, as possible. so that there are all types, not just 18- 30 year olds as there so often is
the kids, the grannies, people of all colours, people from all backrounds should be part of it, all have their views and should be encourgaed to express them- SHARE IDEAS

i def think there is a need for it, there is a v strong momentum since the war, many people became politicized; cheney kids, brookes students, others.

it is important not to alienate people who are new to all this stuff, i think you have to be sensitive to people taking little steps, encouraging them to do so, and allowing them make their own route if the mood takes them

things have to be simple and clear,
ie-bad stuff is going on in the world and people are starting to find out about it and do something about it. its a growing movement, there because technology has allowed for people to communicate easier, with that i think we should use the new indymedia oxford website, in an open way- post all stuff you feel happy to post there, so "outsiders and newcomers" can read it and get a feel for it as it develops, and hopefully they can contribute in the growing stages

its good to use email lists, but i personally prefer and find face to face stuff easier and more effective- so i think we should organise an informal get together quite soon, outside in the sunshine. also its more social
theres stuff on this sunday, the canal festival? are people on for meeting up and having a chat there, i am- if theres one or 2 others, thats a start
is what im up to and in to

see or hear from you soon

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

Grassroots Gathering 5 in dublin- a few ideas for our forum

24.06.2003 13:55

make it colorful, 2nd try
make it colorful, 2nd try
is a link to Grassroots Gathering 5 in dublin at the moment, just something to look at, amybe get ideas from etc

its over 1 weekend
with 19 workshops, 45 invited speakers, 2 plenary sessions, 10 films, 2 walking tours, 5 physical activities, a social night, a benefit gig and specially featuring 2 invited guests from Argentina's social movements who will be giving two public meetings. The first, on Friday night, will take the form of a political puppet show, while the second, on Saturday evening, will be a description of the social upheavals there from the point of view of an unemployed, 'piquetera' activist

i like the walking tours bit, as an idea for -ox social forum- id be on for walks and talks about all the lovely spots around ox- for free- in unis, university gardens- allotment sites, other unknown green spaces


From other social fora...

25.06.2003 17:12

From other social fora events that have taken place around the world, the agenda seems to have been along the following lines:

- Mass meeting for strengthening ties and sharing ideas and tactics for all sorts of non-profit, non-party-political organisations and individuals.

- Seminars and workshops on sustainable living, local enterprise, political activism, communication technology, personal and group experiences struggling against globalisation... etc.

- A big party!

At the samizdat site we are trying to promote the idea of getting local groups to put on similar (smaller scale) events in their area. This involves finding people with knowledge and skills relevant to all these global justice and lifestyle issues and getting them involved.


- Homepage:

Oxford canal festival

25.06.2003 19:46

for all the people interested in the Oxford social forum that can make it, we will have an informal chat about it this Sunday 29th June at the Oxford Canal Festival. Just come to the Oxford indymedia stall.

Oxford Canal Festival

Sunday 29th June 2003 at 12.00pm to 7.00pm

To be held at: Aristotle Lane Recreation Ground. This event is free.


ox social forum brainstorm- sun 2-3 as a focal point

25.06.2003 21:09

maybe 12-6 is too big a timespan

what about 2-3 as a focal point for those that have other things on etc
and info from that all day on IMC-OX stall

id like to explore all the sustainable and eco build stuff thats going on around ox
a green walk of ox would be great, all those who want to show their stuff (buildings, garden allotments, films, books etc) could do so
im not sure but i think there is lots of stuff going on, its just getting people SHARING IDEAS with others
is a database of some of that kind of stuff

getting all the colleges to inform the public of what they do would be great too, ie development practices in brookes


development of irish social forum

26.06.2003 22:05
link to development of irish social forum
might be helpful


how SOCIAL are we?

01.07.2003 10:14

anyone still interested in the social forum?
we had the indymedia stall at the canal festival on sunday, there was just
imc-heads no real concrete o.s.f meeting happened, small little
chats yes

re links above
did any of you look at them, any feedback?

i really think ox needs something like this, i find the place/ people/ networks closed,
quite cold, fragemented.

im not saying theres not loads going on, there is. but groups
dont seem to mix, and the activists need to focus on presenting
things to the public, to try to get them involved,
communicaiton, what was overlooked a bit, in my opinion, by the
anti war movement

anyway, i do hope you follow this, inform people, get them
some of us are going out to blackburn leighs to present an IMC-
OX workshop to community, give them skills to use it. it would
be great to able to say o.s.f is happening, and get them invovled


the social bit is the important bit, how SOCIAL are
