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Oxford Social Forum

Chakuwi | 18.06.2003 11:25 | Oxford

Call for an Oxford Social Forum

The War on Iraq produced an amazing awakening in Oxford and in the UK as a whole. For the first time in years large numbers of people woke up and challenged the monsterous lies and injustice perpetrated by our government. We saw the biggest demonstration in History as people from all walks of life started ACTING; RESISTANCE became and acceptable word. With this Politicisation also came a new unity, and a new understanding and solidarity between different individuals, groups and communities in Oxford.

We had created a new space for political activity and community consciousness that acted outside of "traditional" political boundaries.

With this in mind it would be a great shame to lose this culture, this friendship and this energy. The war may be over but the need for alternatives is greater than ever.

Hence I am opening this discussion on a potential idea for the future. A creative space in Oxford where people of all generations and backgrounds can share ideas, experiences, campaigns, actions and enjoyment. An easy way for people to plug in to Oxford activism and a way of using the energy, mobilised by war, for wider aims of social, political and cultural empowerment.

If you think this is a good idea (and even if you don't) lets start to talk about ideas for (or against) some kind of Oxford 'Social Forum'.

with friendship,

