G8 : first police
Pingouin | 29.05.2003 12:44
The border Police (in Mont Blanc tunnel) prohibited the entrance in France for 4 Italians from Milano in route to the G8 demo (translation)
This is a translation of an article published in French on Paris Indymedia (
Communication : The European coordination against the G8, the CHARG8 and the FSL denonced vigorously the fact that the border Police (in Mont Blanc tunnel) prohibited the entrance in France for 4 Italians from Milano in route to the G8 demo.
These Italians were from the sattelite TV, global TV (
This interdiction is in total contradiction with the disposition taken by Nicolas Sarkozy, the french Minister of the Interior during the meeting he had with the different anti-G8 delegations as well as Amnesty international, League of Human Rights.... Saturday 24th of may.
Indeed the ministre did promise that only the people carrying guns would not be allowed to enter France. Yet these Italian journalist from Global TV had only cameras, microphones and audiovisual apparatus. The reason invoqued by the director of the border police of Rhone Alpes region for not allowing them in France is that their descriptions correspond, according to the Italian Police, to individuals that represent a danger during demonstrations.
The different anti-G8 delegations denonced the use of files shared by the Europeans polices. This incident is a violation of the freedom of press and highlights the excistence of black lists created and shared by European polices.

Communication : The European coordination against the G8, the CHARG8 and the FSL denonced vigorously the fact that the border Police (in Mont Blanc tunnel) prohibited the entrance in France for 4 Italians from Milano in route to the G8 demo.
These Italians were from the sattelite TV, global TV (

This interdiction is in total contradiction with the disposition taken by Nicolas Sarkozy, the french Minister of the Interior during the meeting he had with the different anti-G8 delegations as well as Amnesty international, League of Human Rights.... Saturday 24th of may.
Indeed the ministre did promise that only the people carrying guns would not be allowed to enter France. Yet these Italian journalist from Global TV had only cameras, microphones and audiovisual apparatus. The reason invoqued by the director of the border police of Rhone Alpes region for not allowing them in France is that their descriptions correspond, according to the Italian Police, to individuals that represent a danger during demonstrations.
The different anti-G8 delegations denonced the use of files shared by the Europeans polices. This incident is a violation of the freedom of press and highlights the excistence of black lists created and shared by European polices.
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