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No Platform

Richard (socialist workers party) | 08.05.2003 15:00

If indymedia is an independent media source to provide discussion, communication of events, and therefore a democratic tool, why are BNP members/supporters allowed to post pro-nazi views and defence of this party. Which is racist, anti-democratic, asylumbashing and homophobic. Why give them a platform, what is the policy ofindymedia?

I couldn't find the policy doc of indymedia....

However, several items have appeared on this website posted by British National Party members/supporters.

I am deeply concerned that an independent media outlet whose audience, i assume, is composed of anti-racists and pro-democracy, anti-war, anti-capitalists etc, allows Nazi supporters to post on this site.
I would hope that we could prevent groups that seek to divide us and undermine our democracy from using this alternate media source to further the aims of the nazi BNP who seek to undermine our democracy.
It should be noted too that the BNP, following Hitler, ultilise the rhetoric of anti-capitalism and opposition to big business.
We should be clear that it was the fascists in Italy who sided with the police during Genoa, as posted on this site at the time, and were therefore complicit in the attack on the indymedia centre in Genoa.
I would hope that indymedia could be a tool to smash the ascendency of the far-right and racism, especially after the recent election results.
Defeating Nazis in argument didn't work in Germany, where Hitler used a combination of the democratic process and intimidation and violence to rise to power and murder 6million jews, left, trade unionists etc
Our society has not yet experienced the scale of economic crisis Germany did, nor has the backing of industrialists given to the Nazis occurred.
We can afford no indulgence in smashing the Nazi menace, this has to begin with No Platform, exposing them, and running them our streets on a mass basis.

Richard (socialist workers party)
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Display the following 8 comments

  1. Try here — Thomas J
  2. Thanks — rich
  3. If that was true... — Sean Knighton
  4. Bollocks — Brian
  5. Ermmm.... — natsocnet
  6. No Platform only option — David J (SWP)
  7. surely a typo?! — amused
  8. propaganda = invented and used by the reds. — anti_marx