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Socialist Alliance: Globalists

vngelis | 07.05.2003 19:16

SWP and Labour-Labourites in drag

After doing everything in their power to isolate leftwing ideas from the masses the leftists who thought the end of the cold war would bring about a boom for their politics have now achieved the unnachievable. They have become the last apologists for Blairism in an age when Blairism not only as an ideology but as a political movement is dead.

When more than 2 million people come on a demo against globalisation and war the leftists are only able to give them a re-hash of the existing social order in the form of leading politicians from the Democrats in the US, the Liberals in Britain and bankrupt Labourites.
Hence when the masses in the first electoral test since the end of the war trounce Labour, not only do they refuse to mount a challenge but bemoan the masses for voting BNP. As if their politics offer an alternative to the existing range of bankrupt politicians. Its an irony not lost on all that the 'trotskyists' 'revolutionaries' of the
SWP who champion the idea that they led the Stop the War Coalition couldn't get the TUC to endorse a single protest strike against the war but could get it to endorse May Day. Fake leftists are the TUC's last best hope.

Now they are scratching their heads trying to revive the Socialist Alliance which is an alliance of the SWP and its other half, the groups that supported it in all its manoevres. Just as the anti-poll tax movement led to the collapse of Militant so the anti-war movement
is leading to the collapse of the SWP and its craven labourism. New ideas, new people, new organisations are required to take the struggle forward beyond the establishment and its representatives be
it union bureaucrats or MP's on fat cat salaries...



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07.05.2003 20:15

You said: "an age when Blairism not only as an ideology but as a political movement is dead." I'm afraid, this couldn't be further from the truth. Blairism, unfortunately for the corporate interests that have received protection under it, is now in it's second wind becuase, unlike anyone on the left, it continues to embrace a pragmatic approach to solving problems across a range of issues. Foundation hospitals are a key example, because even if the way it is being handled is wrong (dangers of a temporary 2-tier system), those on the left that take issue with the break-up of the centralised system at the same time remain in denial that any reform in the NHS is needed. One-solution sloganeering politics has finally shrivelled up in the sunlight of the cross-party consensus in parliament which has illuminated and rekindled interest in politics more now than at any time in the last 20 years, precisely because it has made a slight departure from the Ya-Boo politics of old.

You also say:
"New ideas, new people, new organisations are required to take the struggle forward beyond the establishment and its representatives be it union bureaucrats or MP's on fat cat salaries..."

Yes, that means all of us working within the small movement on the left should try to unite where it is possible, not trying to form "another group - political or activist" whose membership critical mass will amount to a fraction of those who preceeded it. No, all groups on the left have to consolidate if we want to change anything - otherwise all we are doing is continuing the process of constant fragmentation into specs of dust. So, all the parties within the Socialist Alliance should dissolve their own individual identities, but for those who recognise it can't take on board the reality of a pragmatic approach to politics in this country then those people should ditch it as well; those on the left wanting politics with abit more maturity and nouce should do something else - maybe form an alternative. As for all the Communist groups, just face it, the only one worth their salt is the Communist Party of Britain, so all the rest should just wind up.

reality check

no, they're just all wankers

07.05.2003 20:27

you make absolutely no explanation as to why SWP are New Labour in drag - you half-witted Whinger! Even less explanation as to why you call them Globalists!

I'm no fan of the SWP - they are indeed opportunistic sloganeers and authoritarian. But atleast credit your audience with some intelligence before I have to waste 2 minutes of my life reading your turgid diatribes again!
