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Socialist Alliance: Globalists

vngelis | 07.05.2003 19:16

SWP and Labour-Labourites in drag

After doing everything in their power to isolate leftwing ideas from the masses the leftists who thought the end of the cold war would bring about a boom for their politics have now achieved the unnachievable. They have become the last apologists for Blairism in an age when Blairism not only as an ideology but as a political movement is dead.

When more than 2 million people come on a demo against globalisation and war the leftists are only able to give them a re-hash of the existing social order in the form of leading politicians from the Democrats in the US, the Liberals in Britain and bankrupt Labourites.
Hence when the masses in the first electoral test since the end of the war trounce Labour, not only do they refuse to mount a challenge but bemoan the masses for voting BNP. As if their politics offer an alternative to the existing range of bankrupt politicians. Its an irony not lost on all that the 'trotskyists' 'revolutionaries' of the
SWP who champion the idea that they led the Stop the War Coalition couldn't get the TUC to endorse a single protest strike against the war but could get it to endorse May Day. Fake leftists are the TUC's last best hope.

Now they are scratching their heads trying to revive the Socialist Alliance which is an alliance of the SWP and its other half, the groups that supported it in all its manoevres. Just as the anti-poll tax movement led to the collapse of Militant so the anti-war movement
is leading to the collapse of the SWP and its craven labourism. New ideas, new people, new organisations are required to take the struggle forward beyond the establishment and its representatives be
it union bureaucrats or MP's on fat cat salaries...



Display the following 2 comments

  1. consolidate — reality check
  2. no, they're just all wankers — disclaimer