// | 23.04.2003 12:56
If I am asked, "Could you give from the UJA moneys to rescue Jews, 'I say, NO! and I say again NO!"
Izaak Greenbaum -- head of Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, February 18, 1943. Addressed to the Zionist Executive Council.
Izaak Greenbaum -- head of Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, February 18, 1943. Addressed to the Zionist Executive Council.
Quotes from Satmar Grand Rebbe Joel Teitelbaum
taken at Orthodox Rabbinical Conventions opposing Zionism
Where the Conflict of Interest Statement was Presented
Due to our many sins we see today that there is fear of public opinion, and this is a tremendous test and a misfortune both spiritually and physically. We should open our eyes and should not pay attention to the forces of impurity of the Evil Inclination. There is no doubt that the death of the six million Jews was due to the concept of having a State! Apart from the punishment itself this was a certain fact, and can be verified in many books. I do not want to speak too much on issues related to politics, but every person knows this. I can remember that some fifty or sixty years ago our greatest rabbis of the generation said it would take a miracle for a catastrophe not to occur because of the Zionists, and the slander they said to the non-Jews. It has been verified that those types of slander led to the catastrophe, coming from as far back as the impure originator of Zionism himself (Theodor Herzl) who wrote slanderous things in his book that he called Der Judenstadt. It is unnecessary to retell a number of events that have been verified, and in Hungary in a court case it was also verified.
taken at Orthodox Rabbinical Conventions opposing Zionism
Where the Conflict of Interest Statement was Presented
Due to our many sins we see today that there is fear of public opinion, and this is a tremendous test and a misfortune both spiritually and physically. We should open our eyes and should not pay attention to the forces of impurity of the Evil Inclination. There is no doubt that the death of the six million Jews was due to the concept of having a State! Apart from the punishment itself this was a certain fact, and can be verified in many books. I do not want to speak too much on issues related to politics, but every person knows this. I can remember that some fifty or sixty years ago our greatest rabbis of the generation said it would take a miracle for a catastrophe not to occur because of the Zionists, and the slander they said to the non-Jews. It has been verified that those types of slander led to the catastrophe, coming from as far back as the impure originator of Zionism himself (Theodor Herzl) who wrote slanderous things in his book that he called Der Judenstadt. It is unnecessary to retell a number of events that have been verified, and in Hungary in a court case it was also verified.
Hide the following 19 comments
Grand Rebbe Joel Teitelbaum
23.04.2003 12:59
Grand Rebbe Joel Teitelbaum
This is fascism
23.04.2003 14:10
Terry Fitzpatrick
more sources.....
23.04.2003 14:58
an antifascist
strange ideas of anti-zionism
23.04.2003 16:01
the games up !
23.04.2003 16:10
most european countries who don't have identical names.
In any case they would not want to waste their time writing
hundreds of letters to the BBC and members of parliment
left in it
what happened to my post?
23.04.2003 16:12
Here it goes again re: the first supplied link by terry.
Left wing inside the Zionist umbrella?
Bullshit as we all should know.
Why not have peace activism , left wing activism etc independent of a well knowmn movement that has let itself be used by the biggest businesses and in somecases proooven criminal elements.
The answer will be the fear of assasinations like Rabin's or Vanunun's abduction and jailing.
What are you on about Terry?
Play traffic
23.04.2003 16:26
Martin Luther King Jr.
23.04.2003 17:19
all respect to the man
23.04.2003 18:36
Dream when everyone will be equal irrespective of skin.
It did ot happen did it?
I am still having to shout out WHITE PIGs.
Martin Luther King was a good man. But he dreamt a lot into the future. I have lot of respect for him.
This does not counter your quote from him.
I disagree...Zionism ...the belief on which Israel was founded is wrong and not valid. Also I hate no jew.
Have you got alink to any webmaterial on this definition?
A quick search brought me to this
23.04.2003 18:53
Martin Luther King was misquoted by Rep. Jhon Lewis it seems.
Wonder whether the Rep pig was gettting paid for this (if this is true)
Dissect it, eat it, fuck it, whatever but realise that this is a useless path to follow...
Zionism is wrong. Palestine belongs to Palestinians.
May be the Israelis could ask to stay there after a south african style 'truth and recon....commision' to forget that past . I thnk the whole world will support sections of white Europe being carved up for a jewish nation for all the injustices done to them by the white people. I will certainly write to my MP when the time come.
The true issue now is the suffering of the Iraqi people and palestinian people.
Anyhow here is the link
Dear visitor:
We received the following message from the media watchdog group CAMERA:
We am sorry to inform you that the “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend” allegedly written by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is apparently a hoax. Although, the basic message of the letter was indeed, without question, spoken by Martin Luther King, Jr. in a 1968 appearance at Harvard, where he said: “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews, You are talking anti-Semitism.” [ from “The Socialism of Fools: The Left, the Jews and Israel” by Seymour Martin Lipset; in Encounter magazine, December 1969, p. 24. ].
23.04.2003 22:50
go to hell zionazis
23.04.2003 23:29
Dear Jon
24.04.2003 01:42
24.04.2003 01:48
Repeating an obviously nonsensical thing does not make it true.
Let me point something out to you. A large number of people in the world do not believe that there is in existence any divine being who has ever spoken to man through any sacred book, or made any promise to anyone.
They hold this belief as sincerely as any you may hold. Most of them nevertheless have a well developed moral code, based on carefully thought philosophical principles and incorporating principles like justice, fairness, respect for others.
Many base their opinions and judgements about the issues around them on calm individual assessments of what they observe and discover. As a matter of principle they would never abandon this sovereign responsibility, by subjugating what they see as a right and a duty to form their own judgement, to the judgement of another. And particularly not to what may be written in a book, even (or perhaps particularly) a "sacred" one.
Zionism seems to be postulated on the idea that a divine promise found in a sacred book gives one racial group the right to persecute, expel and dispossess another group from its ancestral territory.
To those of us who don't believe in divine promises or sacred books, this has no validity at all.
We judge Zionists by their actions, ignoring this "promise" and applying the same moral rules we apply equally to everyone else.
Most of us find these actions abhorrent and wrong. We say so. We are opposed to Zionism because of what it does.
We are nevertheless opposed to all racism, and anti-semitism is not in us.
So for us, your assertion that ANTI ZIONISM IS ANTI SEMITISM is utterly totally false.
If Israel were Switzerland, our opposition would be identical, and identically worded.
We find the accusation of anti-semitism offensive and inexplicable, except perhaps as an attempt to cynically and manipulatively suppress the identical criticism that the Swiss, without this accusation to hand, would have to face bravely, and answer.
I think it likely that if we put your statement to a world referendum, it would be outvoted by a huge majority, not only the atheists would so vote, but the bulk of the other world religions.
All you really have, I fear, in the eyes of many others, is
"we can behave badly because we're special, and we're special because our book says we are and gives us special permission".
I'm sorry, but to me at least, this is religiously sanctioned racism. If the outcome wasn't so sinister and dangerous for the rest of us, it would be laughable in its pouting childishness.
Anti Zionism
24.04.2003 02:15
reply to bassman
24.04.2003 04:06
Your comment is puzzling.
It seems to be addressed to me. But you seem to imagine I think all jews are zionists.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only is it untrue that all jews are zionists. Not all Israeli's are zionists - not by miles. It is generally agreed that roughly one third of Israelis are opposed to zionist policies, one third support them, and one third are uncertain.
Israel supports a healthy minority who are as appalled at their governments policies as anyone could wish, and bravely work to reverse them.
Why is it necessary for you to invent beliefs for me which I do not hold? Are you somehow unable to address my posting as it actually is?
Do you believe in a magic book which gives you special rights ? Can you see that others may not agree? How do you feel about such disagreement?
Could you not manage just one little direct response to one of my points ? Do you think I lie when I say my attitude would be the same if it was Switzerland acting like this? Why do you believe I am a liar ? What evidence have you ? Do you think we are all liars? Why believe such a thing ?
Anti Zionism
24.04.2003 15:06
24.04.2003 16:59
This is a rather late reply.
First like Freddie and you I hate no jew.
Maybe we differ in the Zionism aspect but Zionism and Judaism are not the sma thing. You equate them I say you are wrong.
Jews are people who wish to follow Judaism. Simple as that.
I think you could argue Judasim's scriptures instruct a Jew t believe in Zionism...lets say this is the case...I am no jew I will not know this... OK they or anyone is free to believe what they want.
Moving on..
you say
>>>>If you shout out "WHITE PIG", you are a racist. If you think a person is a pig because of their race, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation,etc. then you are a bigot. End of story. The great Martin Luther King Jr believed a person should be judged on the content of ones character, not the color of their skin. That includes white.<<<
Yes I say loud and proud WHITE PIG. BUt I have defined what I am on about many times before. My definition does not fit any of your definitions of rasicm above.
More what Dr.MLK points out as the content of ones character is what I am on about.
According to me Condeleza Rice, Colin Powell, Gen Musharaff, The Japaneese PM (by order of darkness of skin colour) are WHITE PIGS.
Got it!
Inafct as may are convincing me of these words' misleading aspect (it is really the misled one's fault but I am very kind) I am tryign to keep my anger at bay and use the word McPig insted of WHITE PIG. that would make Colin Powell a McPig.
White Pig
24.04.2003 23:19