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// | 23.04.2003 12:56

If I am asked, "Could you give from the UJA moneys to rescue Jews, 'I say, NO! and I say again NO!"

Izaak Greenbaum -- head of Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, February 18, 1943. Addressed to the Zionist Executive Council.


Quotes from Satmar Grand Rebbe Joel Teitelbaum

taken at Orthodox Rabbinical Conventions opposing Zionism

Where the Conflict of Interest Statement was Presented

Due to our many sins we see today that there is fear of public opinion, and this is a tremendous test and a misfortune both spiritually and physically. We should open our eyes and should not pay attention to the forces of impurity of the Evil Inclination. There is no doubt that the death of the six million Jews was due to the concept of having a State! Apart from the punishment itself this was a certain fact, and can be verified in many books. I do not want to speak too much on issues related to politics, but every person knows this. I can remember that some fifty or sixty years ago our greatest rabbis of the generation said it would take a miracle for a catastrophe not to occur because of the Zionists, and the slander they said to the non-Jews. It has been verified that those types of slander led to the catastrophe, coming from as far back as the impure originator of Zionism himself (Theodor Herzl) who wrote slanderous things in his book that he called Der Judenstadt. It is unnecessary to retell a number of events that have been verified, and in Hungary in a court case it was also verified.

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Display the following 19 comments

  1. Grand Rebbe Joel Teitelbaum — //
  2. This is fascism — Terry Fitzpatrick
  3. more sources..... — an antifascist
  4. strange ideas of anti-zionism — Cliffite
  5. the games up ! — left in it
  6. what happened to my post? — ram
  7. Play traffic — ram
  8. Martin Luther King Jr. — bassman
  9. all respect to the man — ram
  10. A quick search brought me to this — ram
  11. MLK Jr — bassman
  12. go to hell zionazis — john
  13. Dear Jon — bassman
  15. Anti Zionism — bassman
  16. reply to bassman — freddie
  17. Anti Zionism — bassman
  18. NO I AM NOT A RACIST — ram
  19. White Pig — bassman