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RAM = pig wearing balaclava

Will o the Wisp | 21.04.2003 22:40

In the middle of the Iraq War "Ram" began to post a series of infallibly angry "right on" rants about pig-this and pig-that. Well funny thing coz Ram turns out to be a "Pig" of a different kind .... He's our new Harlequin. This is a cyber agent provocateur: keep your eyes on him Indymedia people.

In the middle of the Iraq War "Ram" began to post a series of infallibly angry "right on" rants about pig-this and pig-that. Well funny thing coz Ram turns out to be a "Pig" of a different kind .... He's our new Harlequin. This is a cyber agent provocateur: keep your eyes on him Indypeople.

Once again however the dark side shows that it really isnt too quick on the draw. "Ram" was a creation of a couple of them over a beverage-- lets get "angry muslim bloke" barging around the shop, use it to turd some paths, alienate any mainstream media that might turn up, put some poison in the well.

"Ram" was chosen as the name, but "Ram" is of course from the Saksritic register . . .

Will o the Wisp


Hide the following 24 comments

Oh dear

21.04.2003 22:57

This is not newworthy is it?

> This is a cyber agent provocateur: keep your eyes on him Indypeople

Do you think people cannot see this and judge it for themselves , you idiot!

And this paranoia trip has to stop you know. It is a constant Zionist this, Neo Nazi that and now a harlequin...whats that?

But the comment about an angry muslim bloke is stinks of racism again. As if there are not enough angry muslims already beig created.

Truth is the poison for the pigs.



21.04.2003 23:44

If 'Ram' was a real anti-racist, than we might belive him.

We whities, on the other hand, think he's a racist, and probably an agent of the state.

Sorry, guys, but I'm British, and I hate (as in *hate crime* - capisce?) all Israels - they're scum, terrorist scum, and I will kill them all. wherever they are.

If anyone supports Israel, they are unclean, and must die. Pigs, the lot of them.


well Brian

22.04.2003 00:41

> If 'Ram' was a real anti-racist, than we might belive him.

I thank you for considering the possibility that I could an anti-racist making my point forcefully.

But I totally disagree with your violent intents in the rest of your comment.

Except the point that anyone supporting Israel is also wrong!!

I strongly believe that even Israel is not even *the* problem instead only a very nasty symptom.


Hey to make this persoanl attack worthwhile

22.04.2003 01:04 is some news about some pigs.

browse around my site.


and if there is traffic this way

22.04.2003 01:58

and if there is traffic this way
and if there is traffic this way

PIGs are responsible for this.

Shut your pig arses up and do something about this fucking morons!!


Like I was saying ...

22.04.2003 07:39

like I was saying on a earlier article "go RAM yer finger up yer Bum" !!.....
this clown has three comments on every article, seems like a lobotimised version of harlequin, which fits cos he popped up at exactly the same time as harlequin slung his hook !!


I don't know about this ..

22.04.2003 08:14

... without any further evidence - this line of inquirery is pointless.

My own view is that the language that Ram sometimes uses is the only problem I have with Rams postings. Yes Ram could be a state/Military industrial complex plant - but then so COULD any of the anonomous postings here - even me!?! (and my email address is there for anyone to check out and for teenage zionist avengers to send endless & obvious attatched viruses - come on guys its not working just stop it!)

On the whole Rams anaysis is quite acute, which should point the finger well and truely away from spooks - whos analysis is never acute only obvious.

I can understand people becoming nervous when dealing with infomation, and lacking trust can sometimes be fatal to emerging social movements - hence the propensity for reactionary forces to infiltrate - but take care .... is the info substantial and substantiated? are there references and links to chase up?

Until you produce viable evidence to the contrary I will not accept the notion that Ram is anything but someone who has ideas and beliefs that they want to share and work on in public (and come on lets admit it, part of the reason we all post here is to stroke our own egos - just remeber that that is the least useful part of the exercise!)

And to Ram - peace, but I warned you that perhaps your inflamatory language would cause problems for you, which is a shame because you say some interesting things and lend a welcome bent to the threads you partake of.

mail e-mail:


22.04.2003 11:39

.Dont you think Jackslucid is the real plant.
He uses hotmail which is the least 'freedom' protecting thing on the internet.
Did you know that hotmail aggressively logs everything that come its way and has serious inroads into any local Microsoft operting system. Especially the .net services framework with Windows ME upwards is all about backdoors, most of which not published to even te Microsoft insiders.
So watch out if you do not want to be framed for the next atrocity against 'freedom'?

Coming to think of it I could be Jackslucid myself.

Anyhow Harlequin is clear to me.
Do you 'indypeople' (do you all hang out together and do things?) waste most of your time analysing the posters or the content?

Anyhow has anyone tried runnig with your finger up your bum. Its rather nice... did your parish priest teach you that?


Ram is a fiction suit for a facist

22.04.2003 11:58

Look through the wire at Rams posts and the 'replies' and you'll see that its bullshit. Jack lucid don't be daft, the only accute analysis is that of the underlying logic of a racist, a white racist. Whilst denouncing people as white pigs and calling for people to be censored off IMC for white propaganda, Ram doesn't extend this to the BNP, look through the wire, check this quote from Ram on the 'democracy in britain' thread---

'Anyhow the point I like to make is this...
Among the people of this cursed island there is this tendency of hiding their truthful representatives ie, the ones who boldly speak out the true real feelings either through stupidity or not.

Instead the ones who 'spin' globally marketable views are prevalent and is not representative of the real people.

That is why especially during the time of a racist aggressive war there are special measures being taken to curtail the freedom of speech for BNP members.

To IMC-UK censor: Please do not censor BNP posts. The more of them posting here the true representative feelings of the British identity will be available for humans to argue against or even learn from. '

If you pick up on this shit Ram plays stupid, rants like a lunatic or uses another fiction. Go look through if you can be bothered.

Fuck you Ram and all your other shitty suits clogging up IMC. You're not news, you're no-news blues. IMC will continue to function despite all your efforts, We're going to break out the black hat shit and fuck you up.


Which is precisly why

22.04.2003 12:35

... I use it!

My IP address and all other infomation that I have passed through [this] computer is transparent to any with enough gumption and time to make the effort to uncover it.

I AM A PLANT - I am green and have roots, need water and food, plus a touch of love to survive.

I also thrive off other peoples shit - so throw it at me to your hearts content whoever you are ...

I dissent.

Peace and love to all who would use it well.

mail e-mail:

What ever happened to Harlequin?

22.04.2003 12:41

What ever happened to Harlequin? After their postings were exposed as contradictory they disappeared.

But now we have Ram, who at first i thought was a muslim fundamentalist, but could be a BNP supporter posing as a muslim, but then again maybe they are just someone who likes to wind us up?

I suggest we all ignore Ram and don't respond to their insane rantings.

Miss Point

My view

22.04.2003 13:36

The above 'Brian' is obviously trying a parody of my views and style, but should know that I'd never stoop to answering Ram - he's a foolish drunken Indian who hates himself and all around him.

I will happily kill Israelis, but only in the West Bank and Gaza, and if any Zionists would like to come to Glossop, I'll happily give them an education in secular humanism and pain.

I am a BNP supporter, largely because of the policies of the anti-white Tameside Council, but also because I am often described as a racist, and am neither proud nor ashamed of the fact.

I am also a generally nice guy who takes people as I find them - white, black, brown, yellow - I don't give a shit so long as they're good people.

Fuck off, pretend 'Brian' - you're much less subtle than I, and probably a Tory pussy.


The real Brian


22.04.2003 13:38

This thread being so busy is an insult to what IMC stands for.

As if there is no other problem out there. I did not repost the maimed (of you could call that) child's photo for fun you know!! To make any humans following this thread to realise that this a stupid discussion.

Half of me wants to leave but the other half is encouraged by what Miss.Point points out twice....muslim!.

I feel sorry for the many who hang around here and have such deep rooted racism. If you do not think of this as racism I will understand as this is the sorry state of British soceity.

There is a racsit war going on and the racism as fed to us by the government commitees is only a diversion and you are buying it wholesale. Wake up!

Had the child in the above photo was chinese you will be accusing me of being a 'diehard chineese commie'.

If it was a zimbabwean (the majority vareity of its inhabitants) yuo will call me 'black panther'.

-the way things have been for the past 500 years there is no chance that the above faceless child could be white!

For your information it has been Jewish (barely 50 years ago) in our own backyard.

I do not wish to fuel the fun aspect that is creeping into this thread anymore so will not post on it unless there is constructive/objecttive argument/comment is put forward.

As for a worrying comment
> We're going to break out the black hat shit and fuck you up

Don't know what the black hat is! but the 'we' is very disturbing...are you implying that you are part of an organisation that pretends to supply this faceless interaction facility! Very worrying indeed.

As for 'fucking people up' realise that is exactly what has happened to the child above. Some one fucked it up. Probably the same people who your secretive organisation serves so obdiently.


Dammit might as well..

22.04.2003 14:00

post this...

Just noticed that there is a post about Brians.

Both Brians! it is not about your style it is about being effective towards finding a lasting solution to most of our problems through innovative new media opportunities .... that is my impression of IMC and is badly needde especially during these troubled times.

As for BNP, its supporters , and the above quoted comment by me is a fact that British soceity hides the true representatives of what the British identity is.
Instead there is a spin drama, a bit like the millenium pagent to show that this is a multicultural soceity. Which is bullshit! There are right rightwing people controling everything that we do. And they are hugely successful. The BNP ...menace as they might put only another small pawn in the game they play.

No bullshit!
Then people like The Real Brian (if he/she is true) *might* not support the BNP for simply being called a racist it is a shame.
Racism and it cause and effects remain beyond the reach of Brian.
And IMC-UK is another pawn in maintaining this status quo.


Oh dear!

22.04.2003 14:08

Ram, you said:

-the way things have been for the past 500 years there is no chance that the above faceless child could be white!"

Er, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you trying to say white children never get fucked over by war?
There was two big wars 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 in Europe if you had read a bit of history!! Not to mention smaller wars, invasions by "communist" Soviet Union and recently the break-up of Yugoslavia.

What point are you trying to make Ram?

Brighton Resident

4 Brighton resident

22.04.2003 14:41

Come on! as if no one is given a chance to escape the bullshit about the white wars you mention....
Look at the deathtoll and the continuation of these fight for teritory and you will see my point.

Almost everyone of colour was wiped out (except in east european borders, and central spain) first....the gypsies!
* The biggest casualty of the second white war.

Then take away the communists (which I agree were white populace but seen as a threat to white supremacy)
Then take away the Jews who also did die in the millions.
(I DID MENTIONED THIS -- DID I NOT?) and Israel was created!

and THEN see how the deathtoll of the second white war is.
and THEN see how the white life was valued high during these wars (except for one Airman's statue in Whitehall there is good understanding of the atrocities commited on white life).
and THEN see how total disregard for non white life was reconsilidated during and after these wars.

As for the first world war it was obviously more detrimental to white people but are you aware that most of its origins and most brutal parts were over a territory in South Western Africa and Middle East?

What were these wars all about ?
Is it not the fight for control of impending loot of human heritage?
The USA leads the fight. And others obidiently follow. This took two wars to finalise. Thats how cruel these poeple are...I term them PIGs... a widely recognised international term.

Do you realise the cabal the warring parties of the above mentioned wars put together (not forgetting the experiments for warfare) is what is dirctly responsible for the 300 children million at any time starving!
Not to mention wars other than the white wars you mention above.

My point is about racism ...simple...the most offending racist divide that is the cause of the ongoing suffering.
But not the way it is defined with BNP and the NF on one corner and all the others on another corner.Clear?


Still not convinced!

22.04.2003 15:13

Ram, i still don't agree with your original point which was:
"the way things have been for the past 500 years there is no chance that the above faceless child could be white!"

You suggest we ignore all the jew, gypsy and communist deaths and then go on to say:
"and THEN see how the deathtoll of the second white war is.
and THEN see how the white life was valued high during these wars."

What about the carpet bombing of London's East End, Coventry and Dresden? I don't think that their lives were valued at all!

But your most offensive post is:
"Come on! as if no one is given a chance to escape the bullshit about the white wars you mention.... "
Oh yeah so the working class in London and Coventry could have escaped World War 2? Get a fucking grip.

How does a child (who happens to be white) in a bomb shelter during the blitz "escape"?

Brighton Resident

Still don't agree!

22.04.2003 15:30

I still disagree with your original point:
"the way things have been for the past 500 years there is no chance that the above faceless child could be white!"

So lets acknoledge the suffering in WW1, and ignore all jew, gypsy and communist deaths, so you say...

"and THEN see how the deathtoll of the second white war is.
and THEN see how the white life was valued high during these wars"

What about the people of London, Coventry and Dresden caught up in the bombing? Were their lives valued?

You are also being extremely stupid to say:
"Come on! as if no one is given a chance to escape the bullshit about the white wars you mention.... "
Just how on earth was a young (white) child going to escape World War 2?

Brighton Resident


22.04.2003 15:35

You read me wrong. Sorry for not being clear.

I meant that it was impossible for anyone whether one is white or not (leave alone the working classes of current Britian) to *escape the over emphasis on the white wars*...obviously termed World Wars.

I did not mean in the past tense as if runnig away from the bombing with dignity (as you raise this topic) as it happened in Germany and in Britain. Those who could, did send their children to safer areas (sometimes abroad) if not fleing themselves. CRUCIALLY EVERYONE WAS WIDELY WELCOMED GLOBALLY.

PLease do not get me wrong here, all war is bad... but did not the whites when bombing white areas show all the mumbo jumbo about gallantry and letting the children escape, not bombing clearly marked out targets like hospitals (with even soldiers in it), bomb shelters etc. The bent bastards even saved museums! THis is a fact.

But not so for the gypsie kid marched into gassing chambers or buried alive en-mass.
Not so for the jewish ghetto dwellers.
Not so for the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Hey, this is leaving alone the shit of the first world war!

Get a life and forget everything they programmed you to be!!


oh dear

22.04.2003 20:57

Oh dear!


Ram - admit you are wrong.

23.04.2003 08:27

Ram, you still haven't proved that the following comment you made is true...

"the way things have been for the past 500 years there is no chance that the above faceless child could be white!"

You are still saying that no white children (except communists, jews and gypsies as you later add) have died in wars in the last 500 years!! That clearly isn't true. Why not just admit that the fact you stated is a plain lie?

How are we supposed to believe anything you say when you come out with complete crap and then try and defend that lie?

Brighton Resident

4 Brighton Resident

23.04.2003 13:10


Do you realise that you are typing away questions without stopping to understand what you are on about!

>Ram, you still haven't proved that the following comment you made is true...

First can I assume that you are clear about *some* misunderstanding I tried to clarify in the previous post re:fleeing the war vs escape propaganda?
Please confirm if you choose to reply.

Now read what you are asking
>"the way things have been for the past 500 years there is no chance that the above faceless child could be white!"

>You are still saying that no white children (except communists, jews and gypsies as you later add) have died in wars in the last 500 years!! That clearly isn't true. Why not just admit that the fact you stated is a plain lie?

Now contrast it with what you asked first
>>Ram, you said:

-the way things have been for the past 500 years there is no chance that the above faceless child could be white!"

>>Er, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you trying to say white children never get fucked over by war?

Did I not answer your question Q1 like this ??
"Almost everyone of colour was wiped out (except in east european borders, and central spain) first....the gypsies!
* The biggest casualty of the second white war. "

and go onto state clearly aboput my views on white supremacy and genocide! DO YOU GET IT? GENOCIDE!!!! of non whites.

If you are familiar with the point I am trying to make, infact I was under that impression when commenting for this thread as this thread was enacted by someone to honuor :-) my point(s). --what is this point is to follow last--

So yes it is true I did not elaborate my comment for clarity for everyone for the sake of compactness. If I relied on your intelligence to work out what I am saying (if you are true) ....then I am sorry I misled you to think that I am under the impression that no white child died in the white wars! --happy?! Again please confirm. Hmmm, I am stupid too for that. --happy?! Yes white children died cruelly in the last 500 years.

BUT not faceless when we fuck looked on (infact inside us willingly as it suits our selfish ambitons)-- this is genocide. Do you want to show me an occurence of an anto white genocide anywhere?
Where children were marched into gas chambers?
Where children were buried alive?

Where children were subjected to the most cruel sanctions an era of complete dependence on modern medicine ...even asprin was on the banned list for 8 years!
Milk powder?! The most basic medicines?! The life saving medicines?! Even immunisation programs were tied into 'OIL for food'?! Water purification plants in desert conditions bombed?! Depleted Uranium strewn/dumped?! ...

Note I am not saying carpet bombing etc. as I am watching every word I type now as I am aware that there is an army of at best 'childish, political zealot, braindead fuck white kids' atworst the very agents of this ugly Iraqi war ...following this...beacuse neither Iraqi freedom (I think is still going on) nor Gulf Storm are operations/wars for me. There is one big Iraqi war with one aggressor still going strong.... the white supremacy movement .full stop
Why do I think that you are the former vareity I do not know?
But is it not sad that you think of wars as you have been fed/defined is limited within clear dates (eg 1919-Sept-3 to ***march**?
Is it not sad that you are so briandead that you cannot see that the white people have commited genocide against other races SOME DURING THE TIMES OF WAR WITHIN THEMSELVES.
OK irish potao fan=mine and Stalin's few campaings could be ranked genocidal -- but aimed at breaking political opposition but not PEOPLE and Nations (wiped out two continents' 'aboriginal populace').
IS it not sad that we on this 'shrunken modern world' the Iraqi FACELESS CHILD suffers, when we try and compare for solace! with the very wars that prepared for this current offensives?

I will stop there and ask you to question yourself this....
Did I know ram was going on about the root cause of the current crisis gipping our world?
Did I relaise the significance of 500 years as mentioned by ram?

Then please answer what whether you are convinced that
-the way things have been for the past 500 years there is no chance that the above faceless child could be white!

The faceless child featured above is not just past tense.
*could not be white* in the present tense.
It was a war crime and is still a war crime.
No war is legal in my opinion but by the laws we have to live under 'the genocides coinciding the white wars and Iraqi war re WAR CRIMES. Not acts of war. Illegal formme or a braindea brighton resident!

Did you look up the deathtolls of the world wars from authoratative sources? Look along the lines of military vs Civilian vs East European faceless people who once lived vs jews vs civilians as in Dresden and Coventry.

Most of modern medicine and first aid that we use rose out of the experiences of both white wars!
Only armless Ali receives treatment now!! May be the fixed him two golden arms!

>How are we supposed to believe anything you say when you

Well I do not expect that it is easy for you with all the brainwashing you have been subjected to.

>come out with complete crap and then try and defend that lie?

Still convinced that you read me right?

War ethics and gallantry does not appply to white pigs only you know.
And the dates 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 is significant only to the braindead white pigs...these are the dates they lost some of their control. What do you think happened between
about 500 years ago - 1914?
1918 - 1939
1945 - Todate?

Are you going to teach our children about these or give bullshit overemphasis on some chosen dates and events?


Another rant from Ram

23.04.2003 14:05

OK Ram, so i misunderstood you, but it was still a pretty stupid comment to make, cos you had to put in loads of ifs and buts later (ignore the jews, gypsies, communists, Irish potato famine). You forgot to mention Yugoslavia by the way, a very recent war in which lots of white children died in ethnic cleansing, but then are they for some odd reason not-"white" like the jews, communists, irish?.

I do understand about the last 500 years of white colonial rule and the ongoing rampages of capitalism.

You might have some valid comments to make, but a lot of your postings are just incoherent rants and at times highly offensive.

I apologise if i'm a brainwashed white pig, but if i'd been that brainwashed i wouldn't have been out on the streets against the Iraq War.

Brighton Resident

Dear Brighton Residetn

23.04.2003 15:54

Eiehr you accept all the ifs and buts that coem with a possible apology (becasue it si the way you and I see things) or accept that you misread me.

Also 500 years of colonialims is what I call racism along the white/non-white line. You will find this a majority global view. You cannot seperate capitalism from this injustice.

If you knew this you would have undertood me better. Now I hope you are aware of this factor I hope.

YEs Yugosglavia shows muy points you consider the Bosnians white moslems? I do not. They are turkmens more.
