RAM = pig wearing balaclava
Will o the Wisp | 21.04.2003 22:40
In the middle of the Iraq War "Ram" began to post a series of infallibly angry "right on" rants about pig-this and pig-that. Well funny thing coz Ram turns out to be a "Pig" of a different kind .... He's our new Harlequin. This is a cyber agent provocateur: keep your eyes on him Indymedia people.
In the middle of the Iraq War "Ram" began to post a series of infallibly angry "right on" rants about pig-this and pig-that. Well funny thing coz Ram turns out to be a "Pig" of a different kind .... He's our new Harlequin. This is a cyber agent provocateur: keep your eyes on him Indypeople.
Once again however the dark side shows that it really isnt too quick on the draw. "Ram" was a creation of a couple of them over a beverage-- lets get "angry muslim bloke" barging around the shop, use it to turd some paths, alienate any mainstream media that might turn up, put some poison in the well.
"Ram" was chosen as the name, but "Ram" is of course from the Saksritic register . . .
Once again however the dark side shows that it really isnt too quick on the draw. "Ram" was a creation of a couple of them over a beverage-- lets get "angry muslim bloke" barging around the shop, use it to turd some paths, alienate any mainstream media that might turn up, put some poison in the well.
"Ram" was chosen as the name, but "Ram" is of course from the Saksritic register . . .
Will o the Wisp
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