BAP- stands for British -American project.
Redkop. | 10.04.2003 09:05
In yesterdays budget the grand plutocrat guardian Gordon Brown finally made public Blairs dream of a project that was put into operation in the euphoric days after the so called New Labour election victory of 1997.BAP or British American project promises to subjugate all aspects of British social,economic, and political life to US ideals,to suit one class of people the corporate bosses of the ruling plutocracy.Already British capital is aligning itself with the ruling plutocracy in the US, ready for the future confrontation with Europe.Indeed it will be interesting to see how the spoils of the Iraqi slaughter will be divided if at all, after the imposition of US military rule in Iraq.The plutocratic elites of both France and Russia had oil contracts with pre-war Iraq which may cause volatile friction between European capital and its US/UK adversaries in the coming months.However it is now plain to see what blair as in mind for the working population of Britain.He intends to repeat the same suicidal economic agenda of the Clinton and Bush eras.Working people must become even more FLEXABLE and exploited as now.These are corporate fascism code words for longer working hours, less pay,no job security,no sick pay,no pension rights,and dangerous working conditions.Furthemore, the ruling corporate elites will be free to repeat the same crimes as the Enron criminals profited from, after further de-regulation of the finance industry.Blair must be free to continue his persuance of world conflict in order to deflect domestic economic problems away from the public mind as world capital slowly goes into decline.Meantime the working people of Britain must be prepared for even tougher economic times and expect far more attacks on public services as every aspect of what is left of social democratic Britain is transformed into the social,economic, and political clone of the selfish USA.Can anyone give a answer to WHAT IS TO BE DONE.
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Don't despair
10.04.2003 11:22
I am surrounded by people who don;t seem to be aware or care that this right wing agenda has ( for the moment) taken control.So long as they have a few material goodies then civil liberties, decent working conditions can go hang yet everyone moans about long working hours poverty and exploitation.NO one can link what is happening in Iraq with the neo conservative ideology behind working practices in the UK; with managers shafting the working people, with the lies and obfuscation of this and allGovernments, with trains that come off tracks, with old age poverty. "Only connect" as some author once wrote.
I hate to be truly sad here but its really like The Matrix- these people are plugged into the system to the extent that they are emotionally connected to it, they identify its life with their own.Until they are disconnected nothing will change.They will want to go on desperately trying to make more money, send their kids to the right schools, treat their fellow men with viciousness and envry and they will grow lonelier and saddder.They will be racist and encourage racism.
But please don't despair- that's what they want.We saw people marching- you can;t make people unmarch and you can't put people who have ben politicised back in their box
La luta continua but for the moment take time out for your own development and peace- I have been so upset by this war and so angry at the lies and the deceit that my blood pressure has gone up!
For a while, disconnect from all this, regain strength and then return to the fight.To quote Blair- perhaps one answer to your question is "education, education education".
"We are going to show these people what you don't want them to see-a world without borders without boundaries, where nothing is impossible"( Neo at the end of the Matrix)
Dead corny I know but it always cheers me up!
Good luck- contact me if you like- I am at jolouis_'
Don't despair
10.04.2003 11:40
Probably Lenin would have an answer but all I can say is not despair. Many many people have been politicised through the last few weeks- the world has changed. I now see the machinery for what it is, the lies the obfusction, the evil behind the war machine; what most people cannot see because of their emotional belief inthe system is the connection- as you point out- between this war and the aggressive acts of employers, lousy pensions, the middle classes who want good schools for their kids and go hang the rest of us, the vicious overpaid journos who get paid for their gutless platitudes and lies.
TRhe house prices soaring out of control.
But for me, and perhaps for many others the whole lie now is laid bare for all to see. And it will not prevail.
for the time being, rest , don't watch tv for a few days- take time out. My blood pressure is up because of this war and the stuff I see around me. We can't fight if we are tired and wrung out- they want us to give up.Why give them what they want?
As Voltaire said, we need to cultivate our gardens for a while and then work out how we will deal with all this.
Perhaps education, education and education is a start.
This is a little corny- but go watch the Matrix-I think it is an anti capitalist film in disguise.The ending alwasy cheers me up