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BAP- stands for British -American project.

Redkop. | 10.04.2003 09:05

British/American project(BAP)

In yesterdays budget the grand plutocrat guardian Gordon Brown finally made public Blairs dream of a project that was put into operation in the euphoric days after the so called New Labour election victory of 1997.BAP or British American project promises to subjugate all aspects of British social,economic, and political life to US ideals,to suit one class of people the corporate bosses of the ruling plutocracy.Already British capital is aligning itself with the ruling plutocracy in the US, ready for the future confrontation with Europe.Indeed it will be interesting to see how the spoils of the Iraqi slaughter will be divided if at all, after the imposition of US military rule in Iraq.The plutocratic elites of both France and Russia had oil contracts with pre-war Iraq which may cause volatile friction between European capital and its US/UK adversaries in the coming months.However it is now plain to see what blair as in mind for the working population of Britain.He intends to repeat the same suicidal economic agenda of the Clinton and Bush eras.Working people must become even more FLEXABLE and exploited as now.These are corporate fascism code words for longer working hours, less pay,no job security,no sick pay,no pension rights,and dangerous working conditions.Furthemore, the ruling corporate elites will be free to repeat the same crimes as the Enron criminals profited from, after further de-regulation of the finance industry.Blair must be free to continue his persuance of world conflict in order to deflect domestic economic problems away from the public mind as world capital slowly goes into decline.Meantime the working people of Britain must be prepared for even tougher economic times and expect far more attacks on public services as every aspect of what is left of social democratic Britain is transformed into the social,economic, and political clone of the selfish USA.Can anyone give a answer to WHAT IS TO BE DONE.



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  1. Don't despair — JoLOuis
  2. Don't despair — Joanna