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Who do you want to win the war?

Liberty | 06.04.2003 03:12

I am sick of this support our troops crap.

Melissa Kite has just appeared on the BBC News 24 programme Straight Talk. During the discussion about Galloway's statement that he would like Iraq to win the war, Ms Kite said that she thought there was not one other person in the UK who would support such an idea. She went on to say that she thought it unlikely that anyone would support Saddam Hussein over British troops.

What do you think? Perhaps someone from The Times check's Indymedia - is there a response you would like to make to Ms Kite's opinion?

Personally I do not support troops that are following illegal orders, nor do I approve of the military being used for an attack on another country for commercial, not national, interest. I want the Blair to pull the troops out now - he is not going to do that for many reasons. Therefore what I want is for Iraq to win and US and UK forces to lose.

This is not in support of Saddam. This is in support of the Iraqi people, who have a past dominated by one dictator and now face a future being dominated by a group of dictators. The methods of dictatorship will be different, perhaps, but the freedom and liberty and political control over their political environment will not change.

The only hope the Iraqi people have of political freedom is to beat the coalition troops, or at least hang on long enough that the international antiwar movement can apply pressure on the coalition to leave Iraq, and then at some later point defeat Saddam on their own terms in their own time.

Anything other than this will leave them dominated by a foreign occupation force.

Hardly democracy, and hardly liberty.

To those who equate patriotism with support of our troops: when did Britain's standards sink so low that the rallying cry of the true Brit is 'support war criminals and hope for the success of their missions?'.

I am sorry each time a soldier is killed in this war. I am sorry for their family and for their friends. But if people will follow illegal orders and attack another country, what the hell else can they expect?



Display the following 17 comments

  1. Storyboard changes — Joe
  2. Support our hired thugs — Jim
  3. Who do I want to win? — Disillusioned kid
  4. I'll tell what I want ! — thevoicejustice
  5. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  6. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  7. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  8. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  9. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  10. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  11. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  12. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  13. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  14. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  15. Iraq Iraq Iraq — Nasi
  16. Tired of Supporting your troops — H. Guderian
  17. Tired of Supporting Your own Troops (corrected version) — Heinz Guderian