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Demonstrators/Shame on you two!

Simon Willace | 04.04.2003 01:53

It is not enough to focus on one issue, use the force deal with the disease not the symptom

A sense of shame can be felt when you find that your efforts are not enough, shame can be felt when the ignorant learn, shame is finding out that you support the war because you pay the tax and share the comforts of the pig farm.George orwell was'nt wrong. oink oink!

You work, pay tax and purchace the luxuries only you can afford because your country exploits and harms all others, change that and maybe you'll get change.

Isn’t democracy marvelous? No wonder we want to export it by force, Just like a crusade, force it down their throats & make em gag, then like our own they can be on the leash, herded together by the dogs and made to support the insupportable. So long as they Pay the tax let them have an indynews let them demonstrate peacefully, they are only sheep, later they will come back to the fold demanding comfort, and then we’ll have them.

And your reaction.

Can’t wait for the next election! Then we’ll show them! we’ll vote them out! OH please!… if Tony Blair loses you’ll get the Conservatives, if you waste your vote the greens or independents they will capitulate to their masters, you lose. It’s a two party preferred system and each prefers the consumerist model of economics.

Surely this episode proved that democratic governments do not represent the people. It's like saying Communists are people who have nothing and are willing to share it.

You offer no alternatives to war, there was only ever one alternative while there was only ever one reason to fight. Alternative fuels for an alternative future.

Shouting No War! And reminding us that Blix and the UN offered an alternative, is wasted air. No blood for oil! is no alternative and Blix never offered alternatives to War.
The war is not about freedom, despotic dictators or WMD and while you knew that, the meaning of it should be obvious.

May I remind you that the war is about Oil?. It’s a small point but the peaceful disarmament of Iraq would not get the oil.
You could just as easily say that Saddam Hussein offered a real alternative to Gulf war 1, before the War on terror and Afghanistan when he advised Washington that he intended to invade Kuwait. The US could have responded differently well before the Iraqi forces massed on the border, but the US stood aside and then turned on their friend, it was a gift an excuse to invade and get the oil.
You could also say Ussama Bin Laden offered the west peace before the US turned him into a Terrorist. His army; remember the one that kicked Rusky butt; they would have beaten the Iraqis out of Kuwait, but no, that would not have resulted in US controlled Oil.

Therefore just for oil the west has caused wars, all three so far. And as consumerism suffers restrictions only while there are shortages in supplies therfore we can expect to see more wars in the future.
All your parading around will not offer alternatives while the reason for war is Oil.

Your economy depends upon it, and the Arabs have it, therefore you must eventually have to trade for it, that’s if your governments wanted peace, so what are you going to trade? whats the peaceful route to future resourse restrictions?
Show me what you’ve got.
Your farms produce nothing the Arabs can’t buy from elsewhere.
Your technology can be bought from Asia.
Your money is based on economics, which are reliant on the barrel price of oil.
What is it that you’ve got that the Arabs can not get from elsewhere?.
They can trade with China central Europe or Southeast Asia you have nothing to offer them.
So that’s the road to peace is it? economic world domination by Arab Muslims is that what you want?
I think your find that alternative to that and the present conflict is the same, the going rate for oil is 8 pints of blood a barrel, we can only offer them their own blood for their own oil, we have nothing else to trade.

So while you think about this and lick your wounds, do me a favor go home and sit on the armchair. You’ll do as much good there as you will waving a banner and shouting or you could redirect your attention to offering a real alternative to War.
Work for the promotion of alternative fuel, it’s the only way to devalue oil and remove the power that it has.
Inturupt Normal Working Hours by not paying the price of the consumerist age.
Alter the consumerist model of economics, its following is destroying the planet, were already spending more to provide for its fuel than it provides for our comfort.

And the demonstrator wave plackards, and shout while the planet is destroyed.

So yes, Demonstrator shame on you if that’s all you can do. The war is only a symptom of a much greater disease, it is the indicator of a fundamental flaw in the modern age, its symptoms are also pollution and global warming. It is consumerism and unless that is dealt with there will be no change,no future, not one worth dieing for but one that will kill us all.

Thankyou for your time.

Simon Willace


Display the following 10 comments

  1. pigs — pigsik
  2. dont get stuck with the words — x.g.a
  3. Oh Brittania... — fifis
  4. recovery — xpigsik
  5. Division does not help — joanna
  6. Praising pigs — Dan
  7. dan's the man — bakto100%human
  8. bad advice — Rhys
  9. Thankyou for your time — Simon
  10. white supremacy — ram