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disgruntled marcher | 29.03.2003 20:18

Report from the Hackney march Sat 27th March

I joined the march as it turned down Dalston Junction. A gentle march. No stopping at the Town Hall and straight into London Fields for speeches from the usual suspects.
About 1,500 people.
Pleasant – but totally ineffectual.
Reports from Basra suggest massive civilian casualties. Let’s have a little more courage and imagination from the anti-war movement. Follow your conscience and imagination not the banner bearers at the front.
It was all very well to sit in the park for a few hours on a nice sunny afternoon and feel like you’re doing something against the war – but face it, you’re not!
We could have kept walking towards Whitechapel and into the city where more people would have joined the march – but instead we sat and listened to the sound of our own voices. This war isn’t waiting so get out on the streets! Let's bring things to a halt!

disgruntled marcher


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march was a success

29.03.2003 23:28

I think the Hackney March was a big success - though I think it was a few hundred people not 1500.

You joined only the last part of the march - so no wonder it was too short for you ! (the march started in Stoke Newington)

and there were a couple of sit down protests along the route

it keeps the momentum going and brings in new people


Do What?

30.03.2003 16:49

And brings in new people for what? For more boring INEFFECTUAL marches? Zzzzzzzzz


whose agenda is the STWC serving?

31.03.2003 19:53

the march was a limited success. at least 1500 by the time it reached London Fields, not least because of the sit down at Dalston Junction. However those who appeared to be organising from the front were quick to end the sit down after only a few minutes despite the fact there were almost no cops at all. Why is the STWC so anxious to achieve as little as possible and pacify everyone? And why so many competing demos an the same day?
How about 4 London regional protests, one a week, rotating between the various boroughs to maximise participation.
