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Iraqi civilians using Cruise missiles to commit suicide

2003 | 29.03.2003 11:00

Farce. But only just...

Intellgience sources believe Iraqi civilians in poor areas of Baghdad are building makeshift Cruise missiles and launching them against themselves in order to commit suicide. "They see it as the only way to get out of the evil clutches of the regime," sources say. Coalition intelligence indicates that as much as 75% of the bombs falling on Baghdad are "self-inflicted". "This is very much in line with Shiite beliefs about self-sacrifice," one source said. "It also shows the urgency of getting to Baghdad and liberating those people before it's too late."

In other news, British officials say two soldiers executed after capture may have been killed in a "nerve gas experiment" conducted personally by Saddam's son, Qusay. "We are checking on these reports," one official said.

Intercepted radio conversations also indicate that some Iraqi soldiers might actually be Syrian and/or Iranian troops. "Our intercepts have detected a heavy Syrian and/or Iranian inflections in some areas," a spokesman said. "If confirmed, this would prove their involvement in perpetuating Saddam's savage regime".



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sources please

29.03.2003 11:30

Please post your sources for this story, it's worth knowing what news agency is trying to spread this kind of nonsense.

democracy is dead

Farce ...only just?!

29.03.2003 11:44

what is the purpose of this post?

The so called 'coalition forces' in this war on Iraq are a buch of pigs who cannot get a job.These pigs have no intelligence by their military training.
Anything they say and do is based on lies.

So to quote these babaric pigs is wasteful.

Just look at pig media like the Mirror, even they are disputing piggy lies.
And remember we, in this Kindom of Pigs are subject to an official censorship on events in Iraq.

People who post such pigshit are true 'children of satan'.


My God...

29.03.2003 11:57

Ram and DiD, if YOU guys thought that story was true, just think how your-average-Joe-in-the-street reacts to the propaganda machine!!!



29.03.2003 13:16

This story concerns the iMC UK team as it has little or no qualification for its assertions which are highly disturbing with no corroboration...


Is this satire?

29.03.2003 13:38

Is this a "real" news post, or is this satire? I have no problems with satire, if the people who post it explain it at the beginning or end of the post. If this was meant to be serious, there is no references, and hence no news.

Thomas J