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UK Please Help | re: MSNBC Pro-War Poll

peacey | 23.03.2003 04:58

Please help to let the American public understand that the world is against this war.

There are fascistic right-wing internet activists at who constantly flood online polls by voting multiple times. These polls are then broadcast on the U.S. media during cable news programs. This has a direct effect on how the American public view political issues. Human nature is such that people "go along with the crowd" kinda like sheep.

Please help to let the American public understand that the world is against this war.

*Voting multiple times on online polls is accomplished by "clearing cookies" after every vote.

The MSNBC poll: Are war protests anti-American? is here:

Proof that is flooding the poll is here:

For more info on their dastardly deeds, do an internet search for "freepers"

love and peace - peacey nyc

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Rigging polls

23.03.2003 06:37

You don't think repeat voting is unethical? It's just a poll. Let the people, including yourself, have a voice that rings true. Rigging polls renders them obsolete, and if they are obsolete why are you so concerned about the results?


Clearing up the confusion

23.03.2003 08:50

I'd have thought it was obvious why the polls are important - because as the original post said, these polls then get quoted in the media as being a true reflection of opinion.

Bill Runcie

Looking at it

23.03.2003 13:34

They're not doing a great job anyway. Yeah, the "no" vote is split with the ridiculous "police" proviso but even so when I was on there just now it's still 49% each, for and against.

However, with there being 2 "no" options, I suspect it'll kust be the first one which gets reported, thus giving an inaccurate picture of the vote :(