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UK Please Help | re: MSNBC Pro-War Poll

peacey | 23.03.2003 04:58

Please help to let the American public understand that the world is against this war.

There are fascistic right-wing internet activists at who constantly flood online polls by voting multiple times. These polls are then broadcast on the U.S. media during cable news programs. This has a direct effect on how the American public view political issues. Human nature is such that people "go along with the crowd" kinda like sheep.

Please help to let the American public understand that the world is against this war.

*Voting multiple times on online polls is accomplished by "clearing cookies" after every vote.

The MSNBC poll: Are war protests anti-American? is here:

Proof that is flooding the poll is here:

For more info on their dastardly deeds, do an internet search for "freepers"

love and peace - peacey nyc

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Display the following 3 comments

  1. Rigging polls — confused
  2. Clearing up the confusion — Bill Runcie
  3. Looking at it — JTG