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We Have Lost The Arguement

Daughter Of Harlequin | 21.02.2003 16:36

We suck!

Theres only been 2 million people on the streets..that leaves the other 58 million who self evidently are in the grip of a tidal wave of murderous jingoism and hitlerite nationalism!
Blair's on the spot dismissal of the antiwar movement as a bunch of conspiracy nuts has left us high and dry with no where to RUN!!!
Even the Sunday Times cant resist kicking us when we are rolling punch drunk! They said 5 million on the march CLEARLY an attempt to make us look ridiculous by making the Mirror think we have been cheating on it!
To deliver the knock out blow to our feeble lilly livered campaign I heard on C-c-c-chichester FM that Bush had linked Saddam to bin Laden! Blimey! What can we do now?
In fact when I heard the US (who i secretly hate!) refer to our effete euro-chums as the AXIS of weasel i thought we'd be blasted out of the water quicker than a saddamite scud could blow er us out the water!!!
What is to be done?

Daughter Of Harlequin


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harlequeer You have lost the argument

21.02.2003 18:38

Yes I agree lord har har, you have lost your marbles and the argument too. It's great to see you're so easily demoralised and give up so easily, I'm hoping that your disillusionment will spread to actual anti war protestors. Your tactic of demoralising the enemy may work, through your constant purile whinging and innane blustering propaganda. Keep up the bad work, I know it's the last resort of a desperate deranged dunce, grasping at final straws, in one last desperate attempt, to stem the tidal wave of protest.

Brigadier General Gordon kerr

Turn up the heat or we've lost

21.02.2003 20:47

I fear that unless something spectacular happens, we have indeed lost, not necessarily the argument but the unstoppable march to war, which now seems irreversible. The anti-war movement have had a years notice that this war was going to take place and what have they achieved, only two big demo's in London, The Stop The War Coalition should have been far more aggressive in their opposition, instead of daft ideas like calling a People's Assembly to condemn the war, what will that achieve? Instead of that they should be calling for a mass picket of Parliament, a blockade of Downing Street, the MOD etc, no-one will take notice of such docile action like what is being proposed. And to call another national demo when war starts will not be practical, the idea of a national demo in the event of the war beginning would get no more than half a million at the very most, and the pro-war media would keenly exploit this as some kind of evidence that a lot of people had changed their minds and are now backing Bomber Blair. Local demonstrations and direct action are the only way forward now.

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58 million

22.02.2003 11:52

"Theres only been 2 million people on the streets..that leaves the other 58 million who self evidently are in the grip of a tidal wave of murderous jingoism and hitlerite nationalism!"

No it doesn't. Some of them agree with us but don't
feel strongly enough to be arsed to come to a national
demo in London. Many of them agree with us but COULDN'T
come to the national demo in London. Many of them haven't
made up their mind. Some of them agree but think there
are more effective ways of opposing the war. etc etc

So there are lots of other reasons people weren't there.


playing into the hands of the enemy, innit?

23.02.2003 20:15

oh stop it. We are small in their terms but big enough to worry them now, and bigger in lots of other ways they don't necessarily count. How many people do you need to stop a base? Their weak spot is their arrogance and their constant underestimation of people and what we can do together. Who put them there? How many people do you need to stop a city?
