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We Have Lost The Arguement

Daughter Of Harlequin | 21.02.2003 16:36

We suck!

Theres only been 2 million people on the streets..that leaves the other 58 million who self evidently are in the grip of a tidal wave of murderous jingoism and hitlerite nationalism!
Blair's on the spot dismissal of the antiwar movement as a bunch of conspiracy nuts has left us high and dry with no where to RUN!!!
Even the Sunday Times cant resist kicking us when we are rolling punch drunk! They said 5 million on the march CLEARLY an attempt to make us look ridiculous by making the Mirror think we have been cheating on it!
To deliver the knock out blow to our feeble lilly livered campaign I heard on C-c-c-chichester FM that Bush had linked Saddam to bin Laden! Blimey! What can we do now?
In fact when I heard the US (who i secretly hate!) refer to our effete euro-chums as the AXIS of weasel i thought we'd be blasted out of the water quicker than a saddamite scud could blow er us out the water!!!
What is to be done?

Daughter Of Harlequin


Display the following 4 comments

  1. harlequeer You have lost the argument — Brigadier General Gordon kerr
  2. Turn up the heat or we've lost — Stuey
  3. 58 million — gtr
  4. playing into the hands of the enemy, innit? — heather