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Attention: Are they not perhaps pushing for an early March attack on Iraq?

Epimenedes | 21.02.2003 09:54

The lunar cycle gives two ideal times for the Americans, with their night fighting advantages to go in: very early March or very late March/early April. Recent rumblings from Rumsfeld, and Blair's appeal to the old 1441 resolution, warns us that after all they may still go early

The lunar cycle gives two ideal times for the Americans, with their night fighting advantages to go in: very early March or very late March/early April. Recent rumblings from Rumsfeld, and Blair's appeal to the old 1441 resolution, warns us that after all they may still go in early March.

Put these pieces of information together:
"Britain, U.S. plan to present resolution to UN next week"
(ie. the talk earlier this week that they would wait until mid-March for a new resolution may not be correct)

"Rumsfeld: Military ready to go if Bush gives order"

"Both the United States and Britain warn their citizens to leave Iraq, Kuwait, and the occupied territories of Israel immediately"

They had always preferred the early March deadline, and had thought it was on stream until Blix, and the French/German/Russian opposition, made a mid-February UN agreement impossible.


so people perhaps need to be ready to be very busy in the next couple of weeks.



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Early March is probably right

21.02.2003 14:34

Many of the hints about when military action is likely might be deliberate disinformation, especially when the hints come from American sources. When the Americans and their little British contingent attack, they might well do it on an unexpected date and probably it will start late at night or early morning. But I do think early rather than mid- or late March is the most likely time.



Or is this just to scare the French/Russians?

21.02.2003 15:30

Or is this "we're going in soon!!" stuff aimed merely at scaring the French and Russians to getting on the Iraq war train before it leaves the station?

I am inclining in this direction: I think this is an attempt by the British and Americans to suggest to the French and Russians to cut their deal now, or else....
This is an attempt to build diplomatic momentum so that when Blix reports some mild Iraqi hesitancy then all the diplomatic spadework will already have been done, and they can let loose the blitzkrieg (sorry I meant shock and awe) in the last two weeks of March

So: Chirac! Putin! hold firm, and don't let them play with you

Ghost Buster