SWP And Their Support For Homophobic Murders
Emma | 19.02.2003 09:09
Check out the final expose of the SWP's Nazi attitude to gays:

Lifted from RA discussion page! (for real!!)
"The Socialist Workers Party, which dominates the [Anti-war] alliance, was happy to cohost the march with the reactionary British Association of Muslims. The association had blotted its copybook by circulating a newspaper which explained that apostasy from Islam is 'an offence punishable by death'. But what the hell. In the interests of multi-culturalism, the SWP ignored the protests of squeamish lefties and let that pass. The Trots aren't Islamophobes, after all."
Nick Cohen - 16.2.03 - in the Observer (full article available on Guardian Unlimited website)
Mon 17th Feb 2003
From the British association of Muslims website...................
"We are British - we hold that, as the British are a mixture of races owing allegiance to the Crown, being British is not an ethnic but a cultural orientation and committment with concommittant duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges, and does not in any significant way necessarily conflict with being a Muslim, and further that being British in this way will of its very nature include people of immigrant origin;"
So were a mix of races owing alleigence to the crown?
The web says they will........
"work towards the appointment of a new incumbent to the position of Shaykhu-l Islam of the British Isles (officially established by HM the Queen-Empress Queen Victoria and the Caliph, HIM Sultan Abdul Hamid II [jannat makan]) to work with the Chief Rabbi and the Heads of the various Christian Denominations in the Kingdom. "
This bits on a newsletter on the websire dealng with the subject of homosexuality, the SWP shoulda sone a search on google, surprising what you turn up, here is a small bit of the very lenthy article...............
"We as Muslims need to state unequivocally and unambiguously that homosexuality is a deviant behavior and that there is not even an iota of doubt that Islam condemns the behavior."
OOppss, there go the Gay vote!
And more rhetoric...........
"If the homosexuals can promote their wrong values with vigor and succeed, we have a duty and a responsibility to not only make an effort to arrest this trend, but also to invest our time, energy, and resources to promote the divine values with as much zeal. Our challenge is to explore and find ways to resist and counter this movement amongst our own families, immediate community, the Muslim Ummah, and the whole of humanity. This is our destiny and the challenge of the times we live in. Action more than rhetoric will make us worthy of Allah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala) Help and Mercy and will endear us to Him. The question is what are you, and in turn all of us collectively, going to do to promote our values, and counter this threat? "
Check that article here....................
Let the SWP explain to all the Gays about their new found freinds.
The BNP would get along with these blokes.
Should make for a good post this one
Tue 18th Feb 2003
No surprises there then!
During the bombing of Serbia the SWP were happy to march arm in arm with neo-Fascist Serb Chetniks who openly called for the death of the Muslim Kosovars..perhaps someone should tell the SWP's new muslim chums about that??
So much for the SWP's secular/antisexist/antihomophobic principles..let alone what muslim countries do to their 'own' working class..especially to socialists!
The SWP...what a joke!
Tue 18th Feb 2003
Thomas Koner
To quote lenin the swp see the bam as "useful idiots".
The swp would ally it self a used condom if it thought it would further "the cause".
Tue 18th Feb 2003
Peer Gynt
"Hypocracy is the vice which pays homage to virtue."
SWP think its OK to murder people, but attrocious for British people to oppose it? (Which is what they seem to funnel most of their pathetic effort into)
"The Socialist Workers Party, which dominates the [Anti-war] alliance, was happy to cohost the march with the reactionary British Association of Muslims. The association had blotted its copybook by circulating a newspaper which explained that apostasy from Islam is 'an offence punishable by death'. But what the hell. In the interests of multi-culturalism, the SWP ignored the protests of squeamish lefties and let that pass. The Trots aren't Islamophobes, after all."
Nick Cohen - 16.2.03 - in the Observer (full article available on Guardian Unlimited website)
Mon 17th Feb 2003
From the British association of Muslims website...................
"We are British - we hold that, as the British are a mixture of races owing allegiance to the Crown, being British is not an ethnic but a cultural orientation and committment with concommittant duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges, and does not in any significant way necessarily conflict with being a Muslim, and further that being British in this way will of its very nature include people of immigrant origin;"
So were a mix of races owing alleigence to the crown?
The web says they will........
"work towards the appointment of a new incumbent to the position of Shaykhu-l Islam of the British Isles (officially established by HM the Queen-Empress Queen Victoria and the Caliph, HIM Sultan Abdul Hamid II [jannat makan]) to work with the Chief Rabbi and the Heads of the various Christian Denominations in the Kingdom. "
This bits on a newsletter on the websire dealng with the subject of homosexuality, the SWP shoulda sone a search on google, surprising what you turn up, here is a small bit of the very lenthy article...............
"We as Muslims need to state unequivocally and unambiguously that homosexuality is a deviant behavior and that there is not even an iota of doubt that Islam condemns the behavior."
OOppss, there go the Gay vote!
And more rhetoric...........
"If the homosexuals can promote their wrong values with vigor and succeed, we have a duty and a responsibility to not only make an effort to arrest this trend, but also to invest our time, energy, and resources to promote the divine values with as much zeal. Our challenge is to explore and find ways to resist and counter this movement amongst our own families, immediate community, the Muslim Ummah, and the whole of humanity. This is our destiny and the challenge of the times we live in. Action more than rhetoric will make us worthy of Allah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala) Help and Mercy and will endear us to Him. The question is what are you, and in turn all of us collectively, going to do to promote our values, and counter this threat? "
Check that article here....................

Let the SWP explain to all the Gays about their new found freinds.
The BNP would get along with these blokes.
Should make for a good post this one
Tue 18th Feb 2003
No surprises there then!
During the bombing of Serbia the SWP were happy to march arm in arm with neo-Fascist Serb Chetniks who openly called for the death of the Muslim Kosovars..perhaps someone should tell the SWP's new muslim chums about that??
So much for the SWP's secular/antisexist/antihomophobic principles..let alone what muslim countries do to their 'own' working class..especially to socialists!
The SWP...what a joke!
Tue 18th Feb 2003
Thomas Koner
To quote lenin the swp see the bam as "useful idiots".
The swp would ally it self a used condom if it thought it would further "the cause".
Tue 18th Feb 2003
Peer Gynt
"Hypocracy is the vice which pays homage to virtue."
SWP think its OK to murder people, but attrocious for British people to oppose it? (Which is what they seem to funnel most of their pathetic effort into)
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