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Save Saddam brigade will create anarchy!

up north | 13.02.2003 15:27

The following is the lead letterl on the letters page of today's Yorkshire Evening Press. Hilarious!

Save Saddam brigade will create anarchy

SO the Save Saddam brigade are to march on Saturday. The Socialist Workers Party, the Green Party and all the other anarchists who want to stoke up the fires of anti-Americanism will march to save Saddam.

Not a word of condemnation about how this despot has gassed his own people and waged war on his neighbours.

Save Saddam at all costs, let this tyrant terrorise his people for the rest of his life and then let his son continue to enslave the people of Iraq, just as another son has taken over from a despotic father in North Korea.

Yes, march to Save Saddam, humiliate the Americans and when they have retreated into isolation, let us continue with our campaign to flood this country with thousands of fit and healthy asylum seekers who hate us and then we shall surely reach our goal of creating total anarchy in this country.

D M Martin,
Fulford Road, York

up north
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Display the following 6 comments

  1. Thanks - that cheered me up! — chortler
  2. Yes, but even in Yorkshire... — Geoff Boycott
  3. He has a point... — marching on Saturday
  4. klassik! — kurious oranj
  5. At last — Nick
  6. Mr Martyn should get into real history — M Lacey