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Why we don't need the police (pigs)

Pigsty | 04.01.2003 01:18

A small article on why we don't need pigs to "police" our society, the only one that needs a force to "enforce" order is an authoritarian one.

People seem to take it as fact that we need a special force to ensure that we don't slip into some kind of nightmare where the vulnerable are completely unprotected from the ravages of "bad people" and "scum". This logic is of course the mainstream, spread by all the press and system governments. It ignores the fact that crime is caused by poverty and that capitalism causes this!

If we lived in an equal society, there would be very little in the way of crime, if we lived in a truly anarchic society with control devolved to a the lowest level, with equal wealth sharing, and values that were about people instead of about fucking people over to "get to the top of the heap", we wouldn't need an oppressive force of fascist pigs. Capitalism is what causes crime with its obsession with individual wealth, and individual gratification at any cost, even that is human lives.

Think about it though, even if you can't see what's wrong with the system, there is definitely something wrong with the whole idea of the police. Firstly, they enforce laws that aren't just about protecting people, but about keeping the status quo, they are anti-revolutionary and against working class people improving their status or striving for an equal world. They are in the pay of the establishment "pillars of society" and middle class poodles, a paid force to protect their property and wealth and keep it from others, and hunt down anyone who dares challenge them.

Police are utterly mercenary, they are working class traitors and middle class pretenders, selling themselves to the state to act as guard dogs. They'd arrest their own friends for robbing a fat rich banker, because thats what they're paid to do.

They are 85% male, and 98% white, when the rest of society is 50:50 male:female and in places like London, ethnic minorities account for 40% of the population, yet the police who "enforce the law" in these communities are still all white.

If anyone thinks they police by consent they need to wake-up to the facts, they are an armed (with sticks, batons, teargas, pepper spray, baton guns and some carry machine guns) force on the streets determined to enforce the will of the state. So much for consent!!

Does anyone tink if the people in Haringey decided they didnt want armed heavies mobs on the streets, that the police would remove them?!

They talk about getting more women and black people in, but most of them leave when they realise that despite all the propaganda the police really are a vicious gang of white male macho racists who beat-up black people, asian people, muslims, socialists, protestors, homeless people, anti-racists and women. Ethnic minority recruits get a barrage of racist jokes and insults, some have even been assaulted. Female recruits are sexually harassed and assaulted. This is excused as "just a bit of fun". This sort of thing is fun for racist/sexist pigs that have killed so many black people by shooting them or beating them to death or suffocating them in custody --- and they are supposed to protect people??

Cops are just weirdos who like guns, weapons, and tesosterone trips. We're better off without them!



Display the following 22 comments

  1. absolute rubbish — Blitzpatrol
  2. response (yes it's generic but hey) — treat marlowe
  3. You'd be enslaved within a month, you moron. — Ain't he sweet ?
  4. Comprimiseses — Dave
  5. Thanks — Paul Edwards
  6. Let's all bare back. — Dave
  7. Peace at Last — Destiny
  8. If only this was a perfect society — Thomas J
  9. Back in the real world . . . — Anarchist Rioter
  10. Christiana and guns — Ain't he sweet ?
  11. police song — good jack cade
  12. Police — Mark
  13. What a load of rubbish! — julie
  14. response to mark — jack cade cunt
  15. Julie, I love how confused you are! — F@C@
  16. Intelligent remarks... — Disillusioned kid
  17. Well F@C@ can´t even take part in a debate... — julie
  18. Anti police lunacy will end in your demise — marksman501
  19. No one likes the police — everybody
  20. naive fools — the voice
  21. I'm a naive fool! — Smash the state
  22. its true — SHABBA