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SWP vs Anti-SWP: Spreading Divisions in the Anti-War Movement

Duppy Conqueror | 18.11.2002 16:27

Those who wish to weaken the anti-war movement are desperate to open up cleavages between the SWP and the rest of us.

What X or Y said about direct action is irrelevant. Direct Action will happen if people want it to happen.

Those who want to weaken the antiwar movement are desperate to open up cleavages between the SWP and the rest of us. There are going to be fake pro- and ant- SWP postings used on the web to manipulate a response.

Don't rise to the bait. Don't play their game. "Jack from Birmingham" who defends the SWP's goal of mobilizing the masses probably doesn't exist, nor does Fred the Anarchist who is frankly sick and disgusted by the SWP's behaviour...

Their real target is the Stop the War Coalition, which they are desperate to weaken. Just keep on organizing.

Peace and Love

Duppy Conqueror


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i disagree

18.11.2002 16:58

IMO it is important for people involved in a movement to constantly question the actions of the leaders. If the leadership is significantly to the right of the active membership then why the hell shouldn't people be allowed to disagree with the party line?
only direct action can stop the war!


S@mple bullshit

18.11.2002 17:15

Well s@mple, you rather prove my point don't you?

What precisely do you disagree with?

That the state and its minions are out to sow discord?

Oh yeah?

I agree!

18.11.2002 17:31

We should shut up and realise that criticising other people on the left does is wrong and will only help our enemies. Tony Blair realises this, and keeps telling people that the alternative to him isn't a more left wing government but a Tory government.

All this anti-war campaigning and supporting firemen - sorry, fire people! - is just playing into the Tories hands by weakening the first successful Labour government ever. Not perfect, I agree, but would you rather have the Tories back?



18.11.2002 19:11

I desperately hope that Darius is being ironic.


5 year plan

18.11.2002 19:19

The Plan to "Stop the War":

-All anarchists and revolutionaries must follow the dogmatic party line.
-All direct actions must accomodate a newspaper stand and have party approval.
-All participants should wear their SWP uniform of a SWP poster cheaply stuck on a stick.
-There must be no criticism of the anti-American and anti-Semitic tone of the campaign.
-Everyone must believe that voting the SWP would change the world (There are too many who believe voting changes nothing).
-There can be no criticism or refusal to work with the party´s allies, regardless of their policies.

Lenin has suggested to me that we should set up a secret police to "check up on" those who disagree with the plan.

I think we should send anyone who wants a real movement against capitalism to Siberia for rehab. Without trial of course.

Yours JS (still here in spirit)

Josef from the grave