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SWP vs Anti-SWP: Spreading Divisions in the Anti-War Movement

Duppy Conqueror | 18.11.2002 16:27

Those who wish to weaken the anti-war movement are desperate to open up cleavages between the SWP and the rest of us.

What X or Y said about direct action is irrelevant. Direct Action will happen if people want it to happen.

Those who want to weaken the antiwar movement are desperate to open up cleavages between the SWP and the rest of us. There are going to be fake pro- and ant- SWP postings used on the web to manipulate a response.

Don't rise to the bait. Don't play their game. "Jack from Birmingham" who defends the SWP's goal of mobilizing the masses probably doesn't exist, nor does Fred the Anarchist who is frankly sick and disgusted by the SWP's behaviour...

Their real target is the Stop the War Coalition, which they are desperate to weaken. Just keep on organizing.

Peace and Love

Duppy Conqueror


Display the following 5 comments

  1. i disagree — s@m
  2. S@mple bullshit — Oh yeah?
  3. I agree! — darius
  4. Irony? — Matt
  5. 5 year plan — Josef from the grave