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BNP attempt to muscle in on Northern irish loyalist territories

andre's sista | 03.11.2002 23:06

The BNP neo nazi fascists are attempting to muscle in loyalist territories, the BNP are seeking to gain political power on the back of loyalists.

BNP attempt to muscle in on Northern irish loyalist territories, british neo nazi fascists are attempting to gain political acceptence and power by riding on the back of loyalism. Neo nazi fascists who unapologeticlly admired the policies of Adolf Hitler, and his SS german stormtroopers, responsible for the murder of thousands of British servicemen and women during the second world war are now attempting to ingratiate their way into loyalism. The BNP which is reknowned for being widely infiltrated by Special branch is now attempting by association to destabilise and discredit loyalism, through association with their sickening FASCIST rhetoric and policies. the BNP are latching on to loyalism, in a desperate attempt to gain public support and political power, to the detriment of working class loyalism. loyalism is being tarnished and discredited by the Fascist BNP's support. The brit government sees the BNP as a useful tool, for spliting the loyalist vote, and also in terms of members of BNP Special branch, being able to gain access to loyalist paramilitaries.

andre's sista


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04.11.2002 00:59

What's your source?


That's the problem...

04.11.2002 01:26

That's the problem with the BNP - they are too closely tied to the bowler hatted loons to ever get my support.

To confuse them with fascists, however, is just silly. Their policies on Europe (anti), America (no more licking Bush's boots), the economy (employment training and help for all Britons), and the undesirable consequences of unthinking 'multiculturalism' (ethnic ghettoes, disaffected youth) are eminently sensible.

Far from trying to 'muscle in' on the working class Protestant vote in Ulster, it is at least in part the ethics of Unionism / Loyalism that inform BNP policy.

If they jettison support for the sash wearing tendency, then they'll have my support (feel free to call me a racist, fascist or whatever else you like - unless you produce reasoned arguments, I'll just ignore you and file you under 'silly').

With no real opposition to the US-loving Blairite concensus, the BNP offer hope to millions of ordinary Britons, despite the attacks of the ignorant and useless who comprise the liberal 'intelligentsia' in the UK.

Ireland for the Irish, Britain for the British.



Who are the British?

04.11.2002 06:20

People who are born here? People who can trace their lineage back to all those from other countries who came here a long, long time ago, the Danes for example? People who choose to be here? British wouldn't just equal WHITE people now would it, because THAT would be silly given the history of this small island. Get over your insular racism.


the BNP are a fascist party

04.11.2002 10:54

Sorry Brian but the BNP certainly are a fascist party; in fact, Nick Griffin and his pals in the leadership are yer genuine hardcore Holocaust-denyin Hitler-lovin Nazis.

More info here:

ageing hack
- Homepage:

Check and think..

04.11.2002 14:46

Before denouncing the BNP, read their program. Get your denunciations in as accurately as possible. We need hard evidence that the good things they say are in the same category as all the good things Hitler said to dupe the German Workers to join him.

Anti Catholic Loyalists have a far bigger problem. They are loyal to the House of Windsor, but many members of that House are turning catholic. Who knows what happened in the private audience between the the Queen of England and the Pope? Were the Protestants betrayed right at the top?

It is time the men with guns met in a pub for a drink to discuss how to achive peace with honour on both sides. No politicians. Just men learning from Switzerland how to make a safe secure peace between Catholics and Protestants. Each side standing armed and ready to defend the other's freedom. It was done in Switzerland, It should be done in Ireland. Don't let manipulating egomaniac politicians get in the way. Peace is the objective, not disarmament.

Dark Cloud

anyone see young, nazi and proud tonite?!?

04.11.2002 22:48

brian and 'dark cloud', did u see the channel four programme 'dispatches tonite'?
It was a journalist following the BNP 'bright young thing' Mark something or other around for 6 months....Nick Griffin was on the programme saying that he hoped this guy would follow him as the BNP leader....
anyways, when this guy thought he was off camera he started enthusing about nazi germany, saying he'd rather bring his kids up in 1930's Germany than modern day Britain, how he couldn't see how anyone could fail to be impressed by Hitler's achievements and how 'Hitler will live forever and hopefully, so will I'....
at the end of the show when the journo confronted him about what he had said he denied saying it, until he found out that he had been videoed, at which point he admitted he was a nazi sympathizer...
there was also footage from the BNP annual festival, full of skinheads with swastika tatoos, wearing clothes emblazoned with nazi symbols....
still think the BNP has been miraculously reborn as a moderate and 'sensible' party?!?!?


why is brian racist/facist?

04.11.2002 23:12

the BNP's answer to 'unthinking multiculturalism' is to 'send em back where they came from'. Despite what they might claim, the BNP are still committed to an all white Britain.....
'employment and training for the British' in BNP lingo, means employment and training for forgive me if i'm being 'silly' brian, but isn't discriminating against people because of the pigment in their skin racism?!?!?
maybe i misunderstand the term.
personally if i have to choose between living with people with darker skin pigmentation or living with the kind of people on 'young nazi and pround' on channel 4 tonite, then i know what i'd choose.
It seems to me that we are a species living on a planet, with other species, and that all of us look different...i have red hair, and i am friends with people who have black hair....i have white skin and my girlfriend has brown skin,
is that really so scary?

PS. watching the BNP festival on that programme tonite was kinda funny, it was 'red white and blue day', 'a day of celebration of British culture'.....
but it seemed to consist of a bunch of skinheads drinking beer in a field then going into a tent and listening to some people slagging off foreigners......
if this is what the BNP see as British culture then i'm not gonna miss it when 'the darkies take over'!!


Thanks for your reasoned arguments....

05.11.2002 01:19

Heather - I don't care what colour anyone is - it's whether people want to live together rather than in ghettoes, to become part of what Britain is (and hopefully change it a bit on the way), and to work for themselves and their families. I see (here in the North) whole swathes of the country where this isn't the case - there are communities who deliberately isolate themselves from the mainstream, with self-interested political support, and that is wrong.

ageing hack - I never believed everything I read in Searchlight even when I was 18 and an anarchist in the early days of RAR, much less now, 20 years older and much more cynical... there are fascists in the BNP, but the solution is to inject some common sense to combat these fools, rather than condemn wildly.

Dark Cloud - you've got me there - your first paragraph speaks more than any of the 'racist, racist' chants, and you analysis of the NI problem is spot on. Most of the sense in the recently defunct peace process has been spoken by the ex paramilitaries on both sides - it is the DUP and more recently the UUP that have been the big obstacles to peace.

Kev - nah - didn't see it, but I know there are arseholes in the BNP. At least they are obvious arseholes though - do you know what your local 'New Labour' MP thinks?

..... - I don't give a shit for skin colour. Read above answer to Heather. As for repatriation, I feel that there are a lot of lads in Oldham, Burnley, Rochdale and surrounding areas that would be better off given a flight to Pakistan, a couple of years worth of dole money to set up a business, and some advice on how to build a life than they ever would be here, condemned to a life on the dole not by the colour of their skin but by their cultural attitudes. It may be short-sighted on my part (other communities have taken time to integrate), but I don't see the second generation Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities integrating as well as the West Indian, Sikh, Hindu, Jewish communities.

Thanks for the feedback, and please don't think that nationalism is a bad thing - look up the Molmutine law (Celtic British law - pre Roman) if you would like to see how a nationalist ca nbe non-discriminatory.



kicking people out of the country

05.11.2002 10:54

OK, but what about the majority of BNP'ers who see Britons of black and asian descent as inferior? clearly they have even less desire to integrate into british society....
where should we send them?
if you're only gonna boot out certain sections of society then clearly that, again, is racism....
there's a bloke a my work who is hardcore racist, anti-immigrant, anti-gay etc....
his dad moved here from ireland, so should he be sent back to ireland cos he finds it impossible to live in an unsegragated britain??



05.11.2002 18:17

WE'LL BOOT EM OUT, NO BNP fukwits, are gonna try and muscle in on our loyalist territories, ROID RAGE RETARD JOHNNY ADAIR is trying to bring his over BNP LVF sympathising FUKWITS to try and help him out, but JOHNNY them cowardly pasty ENGLISH losers are NO MATCH FOR THE UVF AND THE UFF and our republican paramilitaries. NO HIDING PLACE NOW JOHNNY and torrens is there?


This country is full of ...

05.11.2002 22:24

... bastards who dress funny, talk funny and who don't belong here - they're called Nazis.
