Guido | 20.10.2002 15:38
Undetered our intrepid crew moved their portable cinema further down to a thameside location (which was actually nicer anyway) and continued the newsreel and a series of short films.
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Another guerrila screening
20.10.2002 21:46
The same setup was to be found the following day putting on a impromtu screening outside the Camden Center after the Anarchist Bookfair in London prior to ChumbaWumba concert.
Expect lots more pirate cinema around the country in the coming months...
another nft report
21.10.2002 17:16
Media Democracy Day 18th October 2002
London Premiere Of European NewsReal Video Compilation
Guerrilla Film Screening
As part of Media Democracy Day a free public guerrilla film screening of the Indymedia European NewsReal was held outside the National Film Theatre on the South Bank underneath the Royal Festival Hall.
As well as being Media D Day on Friday October 18th, it was a few days before the NFT's 50 year anniversary. The NFT opened on 23rd October 1952 taking over the Telekinema exhibit of the festival of Britain, located on the site now occupied by the Shell Centre, adjacent to the bfi London IMAX. 5 years later the NFT moved to its current south bank site where the guerrilla film screening took place. The South Bank Centre was built in 1951 as part of the Festival of Britain - a "Tonic to the Nation" following the ravages of the Second World War. The Royal festival Hall was then built to be a permanent centre for the musical and cultural life of London.
As such the location was thought by many to be perfect for the Media Democracy Day film screening. At 8pm the screening began with around 70 people present with power being supplied by batteries charged by eco-friendly sustainable sources (solar/wind power). A few banners were hung along the side of the south bank promenade and the screening was visible for all passers by to see.
About 15mins before the end of the showing 4 security guards (British Film Institute / south bank employed) arrived on the scene and said the showing had to stop immediately. Several people talked to them pleading that there was only 15 minutes left, and explaining the politics behind the event. It was stressed that no obstruction was being caused and that no mess was being made. One female police officer arrived, had a quick look and happily left again.
However the security were determined to spoil the fun and proceeded to march through the crowd and push in front of the projection equipment, shouting and getting physical. With it looking increasingly likely that a physical assault would occur it was decided to temporarily halt the screening.
An announcement was made, explaining that security had stressed that this was NOT public space but private property, that it was not an area for people to do what they want, and that in order to do things like this you had to pay fees and get advance approval. The irony of this happening on the 50th anniversary of the NFT at the South Bank and on Media Democracy Day was not lost on the crowd!
The kit was packed up and security left the scene, and people relocated a short distance along the river Thames to a sandy beach left behind by the retreating tide (actually a nicer place but not visible to the passing public). The kit was quickly re-assembled on the beach under a bridge and the rest of the NewsReal film was screened to a happy crowd. A new film short about Argentina was also screened and people made speeches about the various media projects linked to the screening and Media Democracy Day itself. Throughout the event around 30 CD copies of the European NewsReal were distributed for free.
23.10.2002 16:22
Paul Laverty