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We had to bomb them—to save them

bomb-baby | 26.09.2002 11:22

We had to bomb them—to save them.

1950-53 KOREA: US and South Korea fight China and North Korea to stalemate. US threatens to use nuclear bombs. At least 2 million Korean civilians killed or wounded
1953 IRAN: CIA overthrows democracy
1954 GUATEMALA: CIA directs invasion after government nationalised land belonging to US United Fruit company
1956 LEBANON: US troops land
1960-75 VIETNAM: 2 million Vietnamese killed in longest US war
1965 INDONESIA: 1 million killed in CIA–assisted coup
1966 GUATEMALA: troops intervene
1969-75 CAMBODIA: US carpet bombs, 2 million killed by years of bombing and starvation
1973 CHILE: CIA-backed coup overthrows democratically elected government
1976-92 ANGOLA: CIA assists South African backed rebels
1981 LIBYA: Two Libyan jets shot down
1981-92 EL SALVADOR: Troops and air power assist death squads, 75,000 people killed
1981-90 NICARAGUA: CIA directs Contra invasions
1982-84 LEBANON: US forces intervene, navy shells Beirut
1983-89 HONDURAS: US troops build bases for death squads
1983 GRENADA: US invasion
1986 LIBYA: Tripoli bombed in effort to kill President Gadaffi
1987 IRAN: Iranian passenger jets shot down over Persian Gulf
1989-90 PANAMA: invasion, thousands of civilians killed
1990-91 GULF WAR: US–led coalition kills 100,000 Iraqis
1992-94 SOMALIA: US–led United Nations occupation
1995 EX-YUGOSLAVIA: Bombs Serbs and assists ethnic cleansing
1998 SUDAN: bombs pharmaceutical factory
1998 IRAQ: four days of air strikes, raids continue until present day
1989 SERBIA: 78 days of NATO air strikes
2001 AFGHANISTAN: US–led war kills thousands
2002 IRAQ...



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we all know that the U.S. is the evil doer

26.09.2002 11:51

you left out some of the main u.s crimes like the slaughter of 90 million indigenous americans the millions killed in the phillipines by the u.s. pigs the use of WMD , NUCLEAR BOMBS on japan ...the american civil war that killed millions..... the americans are resposable for the slaughter of more people than all other past and present countries combined so what can we do to stop these mad men that thrive on slaughter? ....AMERICA IS TRULY THE MAIN THREAT TO WORLD PEACE....


War is Terror

26.09.2002 11:57

The weapons of mass destruction used on Japan by the USA, did not signal the end of WWII - but marked it's covert escalation by the CIA into Asia, South America and Africa in subsequent years and it's continuation, into WWIII at the present time.


Forgot to add East Timor

26.09.2002 14:43

In the list above you should have added US military and political support of INDONESIA from 1975 - 1999 for it's
genocide in East Timor where over that period almost 50%
of the population were murdered.

There are probably other missing entries. Anyone care to add them ?
