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We had to bomb them—to save them

bomb-baby | 26.09.2002 11:22

We had to bomb them—to save them.

1950-53 KOREA: US and South Korea fight China and North Korea to stalemate. US threatens to use nuclear bombs. At least 2 million Korean civilians killed or wounded
1953 IRAN: CIA overthrows democracy
1954 GUATEMALA: CIA directs invasion after government nationalised land belonging to US United Fruit company
1956 LEBANON: US troops land
1960-75 VIETNAM: 2 million Vietnamese killed in longest US war
1965 INDONESIA: 1 million killed in CIA–assisted coup
1966 GUATEMALA: troops intervene
1969-75 CAMBODIA: US carpet bombs, 2 million killed by years of bombing and starvation
1973 CHILE: CIA-backed coup overthrows democratically elected government
1976-92 ANGOLA: CIA assists South African backed rebels
1981 LIBYA: Two Libyan jets shot down
1981-92 EL SALVADOR: Troops and air power assist death squads, 75,000 people killed
1981-90 NICARAGUA: CIA directs Contra invasions
1982-84 LEBANON: US forces intervene, navy shells Beirut
1983-89 HONDURAS: US troops build bases for death squads
1983 GRENADA: US invasion
1986 LIBYA: Tripoli bombed in effort to kill President Gadaffi
1987 IRAN: Iranian passenger jets shot down over Persian Gulf
1989-90 PANAMA: invasion, thousands of civilians killed
1990-91 GULF WAR: US–led coalition kills 100,000 Iraqis
1992-94 SOMALIA: US–led United Nations occupation
1995 EX-YUGOSLAVIA: Bombs Serbs and assists ethnic cleansing
1998 SUDAN: bombs pharmaceutical factory
1998 IRAQ: four days of air strikes, raids continue until present day
1989 SERBIA: 78 days of NATO air strikes
2001 AFGHANISTAN: US–led war kills thousands
2002 IRAQ...

