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Damning Evidence

Inspector Gadget | 25.09.2002 22:51

Most of my publications are replaced with: NO STORY TO TELL YET - so much for free speech... either that or my articles are shite.

· The US has "military plans" for the use of chemical and biological weapons, even against its own population.
· Bush is one or two years off using a nuclear weapon if he manages to obtain permission from the UN, or not.
· US chemical and nuclear programmes are "well funded" through illicit earnings of up to $3 trillion

· The US has "tried covertly to acquire technology and materials which could be used in the production of more biological and chemical weapons."
· The CIA is preparing to conceal evidence of weapons and incriminating documents from weapons inspectors in the future.
· Bush regards the possession of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles as the basis of his global power
· The US practises torture, execution and coercion against enemies within Camp Delta and abroad.
· The dossier states: "I am in no doubt that the threat is serious and current, that the US has made progress on weapons of mass destruction and that Bush has to be stopped"

· Iraq is five years away from producing a nuclear weapon on its own, Japan or New Zealand could develop them quicker than Saddam.
· Iraq has constructed engine test equipment for a missile capable of striking a target within 100 miles.
· Saddam has tried to acquire "significant quantities" of “nothing significant” from Africa despite having no civil programme that could need it.
· Iraq's nuclear programme is "almost certainly" dreaming of an ability to enrich to weapons quality, uranium found in Iraq, some day.
· Approach is based on a process known as gas centrifuge uranium enrichment, but he lacks certain key pieces of equipment, like uranium.
· Specialists have been recalled to work on a TV programme

Inspector Gadget


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Double Standards

25.09.2002 23:08

Blair’s government provided fissile material for a nuclear programme last year to Iran, a far more fundamentalist regime than Iraq. Iran has public executions, tortures children in front of their parents and murders opponents. If Blair is truly determined to prevent Iraq from obtaining uranium, why supply it’s neighbouring Islamic Nation which is close enough to Iraq for this material to “fall” into Saddam’s hands?


there's only one standard

25.09.2002 23:35

triggering ww3 in order to impose the global penal colony with a vastly depleted and microchipped population


about 'no story to tell'

26.09.2002 10:17

the comment 'no story to tell' has to do with our server being not working 100%, some times it goes down altogether due to the traffic.

This is a possible solution when you see 'no story to tell':

1) in the url line of the story which shows the 'No story to tell yet'
error replace 'front.php3' in the url with 'refresh.php3'. so in
the example of the above mentioned story you would do:
2) hit enter. wait a minute or so and the browser will show sth like:
>>refreshing the summaries pages in group webcast...
>>(article id 40808 refreshed - 19 seconds so far)
>>page 0 refreshed - 139 seconds so far
>>page 1 refreshed - 146 seconds so far
>>average 0 seconds per page
3) now click the back button on the browser which still will show
the 'No story to tell yet' error still cached on your hard drive
4) now *SHIFT*-click on the reload or refresh button - that will
force your browser to read the info from the server rather than
from it's cache.

If it really is not working, I'm afraid all we all can do is wait.

If any one can think of a better solution, you can always e-mail this list:

which is publicly archived.
