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Damning Evidence

Inspector Gadget | 25.09.2002 22:51

Most of my publications are replaced with: NO STORY TO TELL YET - so much for free speech... either that or my articles are shite.

· The US has "military plans" for the use of chemical and biological weapons, even against its own population.
· Bush is one or two years off using a nuclear weapon if he manages to obtain permission from the UN, or not.
· US chemical and nuclear programmes are "well funded" through illicit earnings of up to $3 trillion

· The US has "tried covertly to acquire technology and materials which could be used in the production of more biological and chemical weapons."
· The CIA is preparing to conceal evidence of weapons and incriminating documents from weapons inspectors in the future.
· Bush regards the possession of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles as the basis of his global power
· The US practises torture, execution and coercion against enemies within Camp Delta and abroad.
· The dossier states: "I am in no doubt that the threat is serious and current, that the US has made progress on weapons of mass destruction and that Bush has to be stopped"

· Iraq is five years away from producing a nuclear weapon on its own, Japan or New Zealand could develop them quicker than Saddam.
· Iraq has constructed engine test equipment for a missile capable of striking a target within 100 miles.
· Saddam has tried to acquire "significant quantities" of “nothing significant” from Africa despite having no civil programme that could need it.
· Iraq's nuclear programme is "almost certainly" dreaming of an ability to enrich to weapons quality, uranium found in Iraq, some day.
· Approach is based on a process known as gas centrifuge uranium enrichment, but he lacks certain key pieces of equipment, like uranium.
· Specialists have been recalled to work on a TV programme

Inspector Gadget


Display the following 3 comments

  1. Double Standards — Anti-War
  2. there's only one standard — dh
  3. about 'no story to tell' — ana