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I'd like to start an intelligent, not-paranoid discussion re:9/11 discepancies

americandissent | 13.09.2002 19:55

You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to wonder what they're hiding.

No, Bush didn't "do it."

The US government has lied, deceived and conspired a great deal to justify past wars-- from the Indian wars
to the Gulf of Tonkin, to the lies about Iraqi troops ready to invade Saudi Arabia in 1991...Conspiracy is a consistent feature of the american ruling classes' modus operandi historically. It is quite wrong however, I think, to believe-- as some speculators on the internet and best-selling French authors would have it-- that the Bush administration, the CIA or the Pentagon conspired to make the terrorist attacks of 9/11 take place. Such theories
have the annoying habit of bending the facts to fit a theory rather than constructing a theory on the facts; ie. "there was no plane that crashed into the Pentagon, it was a missile, and who knows where that Delta flight wound up"

Nevertheless, we have to ask: why has there been no investigation into the events of September 11? One year after the terrorist attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, there has not been a single public congressional hearing, no official report has been prepared, and many of the most basic facts remain shrouded in secrecy.
Despite its public show of sympathy for the victims and their families, the Bush administration is denying them
what is their most basic right: a thorough investigation into the causes of the attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon and the circumstances in which they took place.

It is now twelve months since the worst terrorist attack in history—one that was carried out without any
interference from the US national security apparatus, the largest in the world. Yet not a single person has
been held accountable. As a New York Times article published on the anniversary noted, this failure to investigate is unprecedented for a disaster of such scope. A public probe into the sinking of the Titanic, the newspaper
noted, began the morning after the survivors arrived in New York City. The Warren Commission felt
compelled to report its findings on the Kennedy assassination by the first anniversary of the president’s
murder. Similar investigations were conducted into the US military failure at Pearl Harbor in 1941, the
explosion that destroyed the Challenger space shuttle,and other disasters.

Airline crashes are routinely investigated with great thoroughness, and the results released to the public.
When an explosion destroyed TWA Flight 800 after takeoff from New York in 1996, bits and pieces of the
aircraft were painstakingly assembled in a huge hangar on Long Island, and pored over by forensic scientists
and Boeing engineers until the cause of the explosion—the ignition of vapors in the center fuel
tank, rather than a terrorist bomb—was determined.

There has been no such probe into the destruction of four hijacked airplanes, the twin towers of the World Trade Center and a large section of the Pentagon. One year after September 11, the US government has not
even released the passenger lists maintained by the airlines, the information from the two data recorders
recovered from the doomed planes, or the transcripts of communications between the pilots and air traffic
controllers on the ground. No evidence has been presented to confirm that 19 Arab men actually boarded
the planes, to show that they were, in fact, the hijackers,or to identify them by their real names and nationalities.

The Bush administration has barred virtually any release of information about September 11. For nearly
six months, it successfully blocked congressionalhearings and rebuffed calls for a special commission of inquiry. Then it worked out a deal with the Democratic and Republican congressional leaders to consign the
investigation to hearings held jointly by the House and Senate intelligence committees. These hearings have
been held behind closed doors, with the promised public hearings repeatedly postponed.

This official stonewalling is the most staggering factabout September 11, one largely ignored by the
American media. How do we explain these facts?



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Either of Either

13.09.2002 21:35

If they've nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear, from releasing all evidence and intel, put it before a public tribunal, let the facts speak for themselves, because if it wasn't the CIA it was the Mossad. No difference really.



14.09.2002 04:18

her is a contribution: are US authorities trying to bury 911 evidence?

By Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press

A foreign company - headed by a Knight of the British Empire - managed the controversial “clean-up” of the rubble at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Although the terror attacks of September 11 were clearly criminal acts of mass murder, no effort was made to preserve the integrity of the crime scenes and the essential evidence was disposed of like garbage.

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was made a Knight of the British Empire - after he hired two large British construction management firms - both headed by Knights of the British Empire, to oversee what many experts consider to be massive criminal destruction of evidence.


The editor-in-chief of Fire Engineering magazine, William A. Manning, issued an urgent “call to action” to America’s firefighters at the end of 2001, calling for a forensic investigation and demanding that the steel from the site be preserved to allow investigators to determine what caused the collapse. “The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately,” Manning wrote.

Such destruction of evidence,” he said, “shows the astounding ignorance of government officials to the value of a thorough, scientific investigation of the largest fire-induced collapse in world history.”

“For more than three months, structural steel from the World Trade Center has been and continues to be cut up and sold for scrap. Crucial evidence that could answer many questions about high-rise building design practices and performance under fire conditions is on the slow boat to China,” Manning says, “perhaps never to be seen again in America until you buy your next car.

“I have combed through our national standard for fire investigation, NFPA 921, but nowhere does one find an exemption allowing the destruction of evidence for buildings over 10 stories tall,” Manning said. “Clearly, there are burning questions that need answers. Based on the incident's magnitude alone, a full-throttle, fully resourced, forensic investigation is imperative.”

Three months later, the Science Committee of the House of Representatives reported that the WTC investigation was “hampered” by the destruction of crucial evidence. The committee report of March 6, 2002 says, “Some of the critical pieces of steel…were gone before the first [investigator] ever reached the site.”

The investigation Manning called for never happened, and never will, because the essential evidence is now destroyed: “Valuable evidence has been lost irretrievably,” Chairman of the Science Committee, Sherwood L. Boehlert (R-NY) said.

“The [FEMA-sponsored] building performance assessment currently being conducted of the World Trade Center is just that: an assessment, not an investigation,” Prof. Glenn Corbett of John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City told the Science Committee in March. Corbett had previously called the FEMA-led investigation “uncoordinated” and “superficial.”

“The World Trade Center disaster demands the most comprehensive detailed investigation possible. No event in our entire fire service history has ever come close to the magnitude of this incident,” Corbett wrote in the January 2002 issue of Fire Engineering. “You would think we would have the largest fire investigation in world history. You would be wrong,” he wrote, “We are literally treating the steel removed from the site like garbage, not like crucial fire scene evidence.”


The New York Times was unable to find out who was behind the destruction of evidence. On Dec. 25, 2001, the Times reported, “Officials in the mayor’s office declined to reply to written and oral requests for comment over a three-day period about who decided to recycle the steel and the concern that the decision might be handicapping the investigation.”

“I must say that the current investigation, some would argue that ‘review’ is the more appropriate word, seems to be shrouded in excessive secrecy,” Chairman Boehlert said. “There are no clear lines of authority,” he said, “No one is in charge.”

Before the dust had settled on September 11, the mayor of New York City, Rudolph Giuliani, and Kenneth Holden of the city’s Dept. of Design and Construction (DDC), contracted 4 major construction management companies to begin the removal of the debris from the World Trade Center. Three of the four major companies involved in the clean-up are foreign owned: AMEC, Bovis Lend Lease, both headquartered in London; and Turner, a subsidiary of Germany’s Hochtief.

Only Tully Construction of Flushing, New York, is a truly American-owned company. Peter Tully, president of the company, was, notably, the only person willing to speak openly with AFP about his work at the WTC site.

“The mayor’s office and DDC called us on Sept. 11...I was there every day," Tully told AFP. "On the site we had at least three meetings a day with Ken Holden and Mike Burton [executive deputy commissioner of DDC].”

The WTC site was initially divided into four quadrants and Tully Construction was assigned to Quadrant 3. Tully told AFP that his company had worked on the South Tower, WTC 4 and 5, and the 425,000 square foot underground retail mall.


“Think of the thousands of file cabinets, computers, and telephones in those towers - I never saw one – everything was pulverized,” Tully said, “Everything that was above grade – above the 6th and 7th floor disintegrated…it was like an explosion.”

Tully Construction specializes in concrete. AFP asked Tully if he had ever seen concrete pulverize as it did at the WTC. “No – never,” he said. Tully said that there were hot spots where he observed “literally molten steel.” Asked about what could have caused such intense heat, Tully said, “Think about the jet fuel.”


The London-based firm AMEC, ranked by Engineering News Record magazine as “the world’s largest firm”, oversaw the actual management of the debris removal at both the Pentagon and the WTC. “AMEC was the only construction company working at both disaster sites,” the company’s website says, “AMEC is managing Hudson River barging operations to transport the rubble from the entire WTC site to a landfill on Staten Island and to steel recycling operations in New Jersey.”

AMEC had just finished the renovation at the Pentagon when it was called to manage the removal of debris there and at the World Trade Center.

“AMEC was placed in charge [by the City of New York] of organizing and engineering the around-the-clock clean up operation in the northwest sector,” the website says, which included the North Tower and 6 WTC (U.S. Customs House). The company also cleaned up the 47-story WTC 7, which mysteriously collapsed late in the afternoon of 911.

AMEC co-managed the WTC site with another London-based firm, Bovis Lend Lease, from January 2002. Bovis was a somewhat troubled construction subsidiary of Britain’s P&O, which was taken over by Australia’s Lend Lease Corp in 1999. Sir Frank Lampl, a Czechoslovakian who emigrated to England at age 42, heads Bovis. Lampl, who claims to have been imprisoned in Auschwitz and Dachau during the Nazi era, is also a British knight.

Mary Costello, spokesperson for Bovis in New York, told AFP that the company had assumed “overall responsibility” for the WTC site on Jan 4, 2002. She didn’t want to discuss what buildings Bovis had worked on and said, “You should not be contacting us. You should be speaking to DDC,” Costello said. Calls to DDC public affairs department are neither answered nor returned.

Turner Construction, the third foreign firm, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hochtief AG, headquartered in Essen, Germany. Turner was unwilling to discuss its role at the WTC site.


AMEC is an “informal acronym” for Asset Management and Engineering Consultancy, according to the firm’s communications director David Paterson. Paterson told AFP that oil and gas extraction provides 25 percent of the company’s revenue. AMEC operates the North Sea oilrigs for Shell and British Petroleum, Paterson said.

AMEC had just completed a project to strengthen and renovate a section of the Pentagon, Wedge 1, when the building was attacked. The damaged area is between Wedges 1 and 2. Marcella Diaz, communication director for the firm’s U.S. subsidiary, AMEC Construction Management, told AFP that the company’s work on the Pentagon had been completed on the Friday before Sept. 11. When AFP asked how AMEC responded to criticism that crucial evidence from the WTC had been improperly disposed of, Diaz said, "It's the first time I've heard such criticism."

Paterson told AFP that AMEC is the “prime contractor for the U.S. Dept. of Defense on environmental work.” The firm was paid some $752 million for its 2-year renovation and clean up at the Pentagon, according to Rachel Decker, spokesperson for the Pentagon’s renovation entity known as PENREN. The fact that a British firm had been given the contract to renovate the Pentagon was “not a problem,” Decker said.


Asked about who was in charge of the clean up at the WTC, Paterson said, “The City of New York was the project manager.” The director of DDC, Kenneth Holden, was the person in charge at the site, Paterson said.

AMEC is in line for further construction work at both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center according to the Daily Mail. The company’s London-based chief executive, Sir Peter Mason said about the Pentagon clean up, “The target is to have it reopened for business by Sept. 11, 2003, as a point of principle.”

Sir Peter Mason is a Knight of the British Empire. The former mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, who gave the management of the WTC site to the two British firms, AMEC and Bovis Lend Lease, received an honorary knighthood in the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth II on Feb. 13, 2002.

When Giuliani was made a Knight of the British Empire he joined an exclusive club, which includes George Bush the elder, Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell, Wesley Clark, Norman Schwartzkopf, and Steven Spielberg. Bush and Reagan are both knighted in the Order of the Bath.


europe's left helped on sept 11th, that's why

15.09.2002 22:29

Europe's left was the logistics, housing and money for sept 11th, and that is why they won't publish what they know. And why should they? They need to follow the little lefties, take stock of their bank accounts and friends and make sure that they play stupid long enough to catch some really big fishes. Why not publish all of who gave aid to the hijackers of sept 11th? Come now, folks. Europe is the logistics in the war, and you'll take those nutcases out you hamper the operation.

Patience is a virtue; and the US has it.


To Coup and betty

17.09.2002 22:19

Coup: The evidence supports that Bush and at least some in his cabinet, knew that attacks were being planned, and allowed them to happen by taking no action, as well as hindering the ability of those in mid and low level positions within US intelligence agencies to investigate and arrest the 9/11 plotters. There is no evidence that they *did* it themselves. And where the hell do you people pull this "Mossad did it" rubish from? Oh, I know where. Your ass. Well, instead of pulling conspiracies from your ass, I suggest you look at the evidence of US government foreknowledge at and check out their timeline. Bush allowed the death of 3,000 of his own citizens so he could have an excuse to kill 3,000+ Afghans in a war for oil and natural gas pipelines. That's reason enough to drag his criminal gang before the world court.

betty: Poor poor betty. I've nothing more to say to you, really.

Global Citizen X