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I'd like to start an intelligent, not-paranoid discussion re:9/11 discepancies

americandissent | 13.09.2002 19:55

You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to wonder what they're hiding.

No, Bush didn't "do it."

The US government has lied, deceived and conspired a great deal to justify past wars-- from the Indian wars
to the Gulf of Tonkin, to the lies about Iraqi troops ready to invade Saudi Arabia in 1991...Conspiracy is a consistent feature of the american ruling classes' modus operandi historically. It is quite wrong however, I think, to believe-- as some speculators on the internet and best-selling French authors would have it-- that the Bush administration, the CIA or the Pentagon conspired to make the terrorist attacks of 9/11 take place. Such theories
have the annoying habit of bending the facts to fit a theory rather than constructing a theory on the facts; ie. "there was no plane that crashed into the Pentagon, it was a missile, and who knows where that Delta flight wound up"

Nevertheless, we have to ask: why has there been no investigation into the events of September 11? One year after the terrorist attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, there has not been a single public congressional hearing, no official report has been prepared, and many of the most basic facts remain shrouded in secrecy.
Despite its public show of sympathy for the victims and their families, the Bush administration is denying them
what is their most basic right: a thorough investigation into the causes of the attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon and the circumstances in which they took place.

It is now twelve months since the worst terrorist attack in history—one that was carried out without any
interference from the US national security apparatus, the largest in the world. Yet not a single person has
been held accountable. As a New York Times article published on the anniversary noted, this failure to investigate is unprecedented for a disaster of such scope. A public probe into the sinking of the Titanic, the newspaper
noted, began the morning after the survivors arrived in New York City. The Warren Commission felt
compelled to report its findings on the Kennedy assassination by the first anniversary of the president’s
murder. Similar investigations were conducted into the US military failure at Pearl Harbor in 1941, the
explosion that destroyed the Challenger space shuttle,and other disasters.

Airline crashes are routinely investigated with great thoroughness, and the results released to the public.
When an explosion destroyed TWA Flight 800 after takeoff from New York in 1996, bits and pieces of the
aircraft were painstakingly assembled in a huge hangar on Long Island, and pored over by forensic scientists
and Boeing engineers until the cause of the explosion—the ignition of vapors in the center fuel
tank, rather than a terrorist bomb—was determined.

There has been no such probe into the destruction of four hijacked airplanes, the twin towers of the World Trade Center and a large section of the Pentagon. One year after September 11, the US government has not
even released the passenger lists maintained by the airlines, the information from the two data recorders
recovered from the doomed planes, or the transcripts of communications between the pilots and air traffic
controllers on the ground. No evidence has been presented to confirm that 19 Arab men actually boarded
the planes, to show that they were, in fact, the hijackers,or to identify them by their real names and nationalities.

The Bush administration has barred virtually any release of information about September 11. For nearly
six months, it successfully blocked congressionalhearings and rebuffed calls for a special commission of inquiry. Then it worked out a deal with the Democratic and Republican congressional leaders to consign the
investigation to hearings held jointly by the House and Senate intelligence committees. These hearings have
been held behind closed doors, with the promised public hearings repeatedly postponed.

This official stonewalling is the most staggering factabout September 11, one largely ignored by the
American media. How do we explain these facts?



Display the following 4 comments

  1. Either of Either — Coup
  2. americandiddident — brian
  3. europe's left helped on sept 11th, that's why — betty
  4. To Coup and betty — Global Citizen X