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September 28th National Demo - Changes

Observer | 31.08.2002 20:43

Don't Attack Iraq - Freedom For Palestine

Last week I found out that the meeting place for the anti-war / pro-palestine demo had changed. It's now 1pm at Embankment.

I'm still seeing leaflets with the old details and also the details in the events diary here haven't been changed. Just thought I'd do a post as I can imagine loads of people turning up at the wrong place.

This is from the Stop the War website (

'Please note that the route of the march has been changed because Trafalgar Square is partly closed. It will now go from the Embankment to Hyde Park. The march will assemble at 1pm, as previously advertised.'



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Anticapitalist Bloc

01.09.2002 09:06

The Anticapitalist Bloc will also be meeting at 1pm at Cleopatra's Needle on the Embankment under the Anticapitalist Bloc banner.

Only Direct Action can stop this war!

mail e-mail:

Do NOT rely on labour to stop this

01.09.2002 13:04

to repeat what i said before, Labour will NOT be saying "Oh, lots of people dont want this, so we'd better stop it!". No, theyll be looking for three things:
Firstly, how many of the general population can be mobilised into support for a war; in the anniversary of Sept 11th, that won't be hard to do.
Secondly, how many of the protesters can be bought off, especially labour party memebers and natural supporters such as trades unions and students.
Thirdly, how to neutralise those determined activists who wont drop the matter, such as Maoists, Trotskyists, Anarchists and conscientious religious people.

If that fails, expect the establishment to make new arrangements; Blair might call for a vote of confidence, there may be talk of snap elections (note, ID Smith is already raising the rhetoric). A quick, fudged internet election might produce a regime change in Westminister best able to show gratitude to neo-capitalism and serve the needs thereof.

GH Gythuk