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September 28th National Demo - Changes

Observer | 31.08.2002 20:43

Don't Attack Iraq - Freedom For Palestine

Last week I found out that the meeting place for the anti-war / pro-palestine demo had changed. It's now 1pm at Embankment.

I'm still seeing leaflets with the old details and also the details in the events diary here haven't been changed. Just thought I'd do a post as I can imagine loads of people turning up at the wrong place.

This is from the Stop the War website (

'Please note that the route of the march has been changed because Trafalgar Square is partly closed. It will now go from the Embankment to Hyde Park. The march will assemble at 1pm, as previously advertised.'



Display the following 2 comments

  1. Anticapitalist Bloc — antiwar
  2. Do NOT rely on labour to stop this — GH Gythuk