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Bush Demands Change in Weather

Uncle Weathbee | 05.08.2002 13:57

“How can someone so completely out of tune with the natural world even become President of the United States?” he asked. Similar questions have been asked in the past, but the possibility that Mr. Bush actually isn’t the President may put to rest such questioning.

Washington - Fast on the heels of his demands for a change in leadership for both the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Iraqi government, George W. Bush has called for a change in the worlds’ weather. Speaking through an interpreter in Washington today, Mr. Bush complained that the weather, in its present form, is not in the nations’ best interest. “The president feels that today’s weather conditions are not favorable for a secure homeland”, said Press Secretary Airy Fleishmen, “unless we are able to control the weather our freedom will be threatened.” Apparently, among those freedoms was the ability for Americans to do whatever they choose, whenever they choose. “People need blue skies…well, at least clear skies, when they get in their SUVs and go shopping”, Fleishmen claimed, “The President knows that, but at the same time he knows that inclement weather keeps Americans glued to their TV sets which is just where they should be when it comes time for them to listen and understand what is best for them.”
Asked whether this policy shift meant Mr. Bush intends to replace Mother Nature, the Secretary stated: “The present situation is untenable. The President knows that everybody’s always talking about the weather, but no one ever does anything. He intends to change that.”
Unlike Mr. Bush’s demands that PLO chairman Arafat and Iraqi’s Saddam Hussein step-down, the President’s policy toward Nature appears to be mixed, with highs in the 80s and a chance of heavy storms and high winds. International opinion indicates marked opposition to Bush’s recent statements. At a meeting of European leaders in the Hague, German Chancellor Helmet Cold stated that Mr. Bush is “not qualified to make demands on Nature”. He noted that the President’s record on the environment is the worst of any U.S. leader in that nation’s 200-year history. “How can someone so completely out of tune with the natural world even become President of the United States?” he asked. Similar questions have been asked in the past, but the possibility that Mr. Bush actually isn’t the President may put to rest such questioning.
Many world leaders were not surprised by Mr. Bush’s recent policy statements. “We expect this kind of arrogance from Mr. Bush”, noted one leader who asked not to be identified, “That moron thinks he can rule the universe!” Such sentiments were apparent at a recent UN conference on the environment where world leaders gathered to discuss the ecological crisis faced by their nations. Most of those assembled echoed the belief that the present administration in Washington is completely out of touch with reality. One of those attending pointed out that the U.S state of Texas is a “big ecological nightmare filled with crazed cowpeople” and that much of the responsibility falls on Bush, his friends in the oil and chemical industries, and a “hopelessly outdated ‘Wild West’ mentality that’s an embarrassment to the rest of that nation”. She claimed that those same disastrous policies and that sort of thinking were now being foisted on the American people as a whole. “That man is an enemy of the Earth”, she said, “Why the American people don’t run him out of office is beyond me. What are those people thinking?” Recent reports indicate that they aren’t thinking much these days, but the jury’s still out on whether they can rise to the occasion or remain seated in front of their big-screen TVs where reality is manufactured and actual thinking is discouraged.

Uncle Weathbee


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Chemtrails are an 'Exotic Weapon'

05.08.2002 15:31

Rep. Kucinich's HR 2977
Names Chemtrails As An 'Exotic Weapon'
By Lorie Kramer

After years of denial from government, military, and environmental agencies, the reality of the controversial issue regarding the covert programs known as Chemtrails has been acknowledged.

On October 2, 2001 Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Ohio introduced H. R. 2977 during the 1st Session of the 107th Congress of the United States. The "Space Preservation Act of 2001" seeks to "preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benfit of all humankind by permanently
prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons."

In the bill Chemtrails are listed as an "exotic weapons system". Ironically in Section 7 - Definitions. The complete text of the bill may be found at Clifford Carnicom's website, "Chemtrail Crimes and Coverup Documented".

The bill also addresses such things as particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation, and mind-control as weapons. All of these areas have been researched and pondered by those investigating chemtrails and working to gain accountability for those programs.

They can't have it both ways. Water vapor is not a weapon.

This is a call to all those of conscience. This is a time when action is needed. It is time. The lies have gone on long enough. We can tell the Air Force and the Navy and the other agencies involved in this criminal activity, "No, You may NOT own the Weather ...Period!" We may not have another chance.

On behalf of the members of Chemtrail Tracking USA, Clifford Carnicom's Board, Chemtrail Central and the many other groups and individuals working diligently to get accountability, we urge your listeners to respond. Contact
government and media, demand answers. If not now, when?

We know what we see. We did not consent. We want it stopped.

To see text of HR 2977:

Kramer V Bush
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