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chief movement gatecrasher, Guy Taylor at it again...

info-crazy | 21.07.2002 10:32

as part of a massive debate on the future of the anti-globalisation movement in the Observer, Guy Taylor speaks yet again for the movement.

As part of a massive debate in the Observer, Guy speaks yet again for the movement.
We haven't gone away

Responding to Mike Bygrave's Observer investigation, Guy Taylor, a spokesman for Globalise Resistance, says that the protest movement has achieved much in a short time and that its diversity will continue to be a strength, not a weakness

Observer Worldview

Talk about it: Does the movement have a future?

Sunday July 21, 2002

The Anti-Capitalist movement is the largest social movement in world history. The participants have come from almost every country in the world, and the fact that the G8 look for more and more isolated places to meet shows the geographic extent of the protest movement.
In any movement of such magnitude (indeed in any social movement) there are a number of differing ideologies and analyses of where we are and where we should be going. For what it's worth here are my brief impressions of the current situation:,11581,759092,00.html

more at,11581,641237,00.html



Hide the following 12 comments

To have gates, you must have walls.

21.07.2002 11:39

Well, I can't see anything wrong with his article, (except for the appalling English - really, Guy, 'contradistinction'?). But I can't imagine why you think Guy Taylor, (and hence Globalise Resistance, and hence the SWP) are 'gatecrashing the movement'. I would have thought that 'the movement' has as its most vital strengths a certain plurality, openness, porousness and flexibility. There are all sorts of different currents within the movement, which may not necessarily be organised as parties, but which act effectively in this fashion. I see no particular problem with this. There should be debate within the movement, and noone who agrees with it should be excluded. If we can include such timid bodies as Oxfam and the World Development Movement, why not hardcore revolutionaries like the Socialist Workers Party? And indeed, why not a straightforwardly anticapitalist grouping like Globalise Resistance?

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Another hatchet job

21.07.2002 13:07

Interesting to not that the keynote pro-globalisation, pro capitalist piece in the Observer's section is by Diana Coyle - presented as an Independent journalist and economist, but in fact a member of the "British American Project for The Successor Generation" exposed by Pilger. She is also a leading member of the pro-Euro "Britain in Europe Campaign" and the CEPR - a think tank employed by big business and governments to justify their free market policies - have a look at their executive to which she belongs - stuffed full of bankers, Bilderburgers and professional mouthpieces for big business.
Her article is an unreferenced hatchet job full of half truths, distortions and "creative accounting". Like most of her ilk, she was well trained for her work at Harvard and Oxford. The role of papers like the Observer is to let their liberal readership think they are being fair by allowing a bit of space to tame bandwagon jumpers like Guy Taylor and Klein and then overlay this with their "authoritative" (pro establishment) view. The liberals and some of the uncritical "left" can then safely feel that they have listened to both sides of the argument and made up a "considered opinion" based on "facts".
A more honest description of this than journalism would be PROPAGANDA or even MIND CONTROL.

Will Scarlet

Calm down, calm down, sunshine...

21.07.2002 13:25

Okay, so the Observer serves up propaganda as fact. What's new? Diana Coyle has always been a liberal free-marketeer, and she's quite open about it. She used to write her columns for the liberal free market Independent. Anyone who reads her columns will be thoroughly aware of where she stands. People aren't just vacant receptacles for establishment propaganda.
Finally, how do Guy Taylor and Naomi Klein come to be accused of being "bandwagon-hoppers"? The anticapitalist movement is hardly a bandwagon, and if people who immerse themselves in, and arguably advance, the anticapitalist movement are fair game for being abused, how about dealing some abuse to the small group of so-called anarchists who spend all their time hi-jacking demos, abusing and slandering other groups in a sectarian way and who generally do nothing but damage to the movement?

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lenin tower of pisa'd off

21.07.2002 13:51

I'll go along with Will scarlett, and take it that mr lenin
is well out of touch, it is not obvious to most people what journalists like coyle do in their spare time.
It's pretty obvious that the people who are pulling the strings, realise that there will be protests, thats why tiger hunting phil the greek and his nazi mate prince bastard set up the WWF in the sixties. sure people like Klien and taylor are jumping on the band wagon, they are the so called leaders of the movement, but they were'nt elected by anyone, and as far as I am concenerned we don't need 'em.
The scum always float to the top and will always sell out when the price is right. hopefully the european social forum
in Firenze will be in two parts, the official part organized by the leftie totalitarian regime (DS), and the oldest bank in the world(MPS), with all the big NGO's SWP, ATTAC ect ect.

The alternative meeting is being called the FRINGE in some quarters and should include NO GLOBAL, Centro Sociale contingent and the local/ national environmental committees.
Rifondazione Communista will do the sensible thing and hedge it bets by officially attending both !!

The local paper in Firenze, "LA NAZIONE" extreme right wing
paper,simialr to THE SUN , supports left wing regime, which has ruled the Province for 55 years. La Nazione is pumping out propaganda articles saying that the various factions
behind the ESF are at each others throats.

and so it goes on....

u wot


21.07.2002 14:06

Okay, so there's lots of propaganda in the news. I just think it's important not to see it as some super-efficient machine that cunningly fools lefties into believing they're reading dissent when what they are actually getting is establishment unction.

As for the European Social Forum, I must say I think you'll make a grave mistake if you don't attend the main event and try to organise seperately. There will be thousands of people at the main event, mass meetings, ranks upon ranks of people just waiting to hear your arguments. If you abandon them to the evil SWP-DS-Attac conspiracy, (the axis of evil, if you must), then we will undoubtedly brain-wash them and lead them astray so that we never achieve the true utopia of anarchism.

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another point of view

21.07.2002 16:32

........(`(...´...´.... ¯~/`...`)
..........\\................ _.·´

my name

Clip your nails, sir.

21.07.2002 16:47

Hey, that's pretty good. It almost looks like the SWP salute. How do you do that shit?


The workers united will never be defeated!

21.07.2002 17:29

........(`(...´...´.... ¯~/`...`)
..........\\................ _.·´


Yeeees, that fist COULD be saluting, but

21.07.2002 18:01

*beam* *swells with pride*

Even if it does look like a hand jacking off, it's still a very impressive creation.

Everybody sing, "Arise ye starvelings from your slumber..."

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Just imagine it ,

21.07.2002 18:09

yeah ok lenin, loook at this way .
Let's just say that the ESF was to be held in the UK, in Blackpool, and lancashire had been ruled by Labour since the
end of WW2, Barclays bank, the oldest bank the world (1472) had originated just down the road in Preston and controlled the economy of the whole region of Lancashire.
Labour and barclays were organizing the meeting, errr how many of the activist community would you expect to turning up ? other than to hurl abuse at the organizers.

Well that is exactly what you have in Tuscany, a left that is in fact right, a regime, hegemony, a bunch totalitarian crooks, what ever you like.
The DS control the politix and the bank looks after the bugs bunny side of things. Freemasonary rinning tings ..
The ESF is just a publicity stunt for the DS, the only thing that these morons have got going for them is that Berlusconi is worse !!!
So if we are down to the best of two evildoers...
I think I'll give the main stage a miss, and check out the indie events...

pisa'd off

Neither Barclays, nor Labour, but...

21.07.2002 18:26

I'll concede the strength of your argument to that extent. Clearly, many of those groups participating are establishment forces seeking to coopt the anticapitalist movement. Thus far, they have been entirely ineffective in that task. I see no reason why they will begin to succeed now. The agenda that has so far been worked out looks like a reasonably broad one, and there's no way the DS are actually going to win the arguments on the day ... unless, that is, we abandon the meeting and let all those attending be confronted with the sight of DS and Attac members as their great anticapitalist fighters. That would be a disaster. Come to the meeting, make your arguments. I'm sure you've got more to say to those attending than the fringe of timid reformists who plague these things all the time.

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One way or another

21.07.2002 20:45

well let's see what comes together, the local environmental groups will make their precense felt, let's see what other groups do.If you can read Italian check out the recent IMC italy feature on on the NOCSE controseminario, which ran from 10 /12 july coinciding with the OCSE seminario, which proclaimed the province of Siena as a exportable model for sustainable rural developement, fucking big joke ! but no one is laughing !! expect the mafia !!!!
