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chief movement gatecrasher, Guy Taylor at it again...

info-crazy | 21.07.2002 10:32

as part of a massive debate on the future of the anti-globalisation movement in the Observer, Guy Taylor speaks yet again for the movement.

As part of a massive debate in the Observer, Guy speaks yet again for the movement.
We haven't gone away

Responding to Mike Bygrave's Observer investigation, Guy Taylor, a spokesman for Globalise Resistance, says that the protest movement has achieved much in a short time and that its diversity will continue to be a strength, not a weakness

Observer Worldview

Talk about it: Does the movement have a future?

Sunday July 21, 2002

The Anti-Capitalist movement is the largest social movement in world history. The participants have come from almost every country in the world, and the fact that the G8 look for more and more isolated places to meet shows the geographic extent of the protest movement.
In any movement of such magnitude (indeed in any social movement) there are a number of differing ideologies and analyses of where we are and where we should be going. For what it's worth here are my brief impressions of the current situation:,11581,759092,00.html

more at,11581,641237,00.html

