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International MayDayReports

imc-uk | 01.05.2002 09:45

International mayday reports - see also:

The World Prepares to Celebrate Workers' Holiday

May Day is upon us once again, that time of year when we celebrate the workers who built and sustain this world, and those Anarchists, Communists and Socialists who fought to make their lives better. Begun in the United States in 1886 as part of the struggle for an eight-hour work day, May Day is now celebrated around the globe. [Read a history of May Day. | Lesen sie eine Geschichte auf Deutsch | Histoire du premier mai]

From the beginning with the Haymarket massacre in Chicago and subsequent raids by police, May Day celebrations have been the target of state repression. Last year in England, officers beat many celebrants and detained a group of nearly 500 for over eight hours by surrounding them in Oxford Circus. Already in 2002, police have raided a radical dairy and community center, siezing computers and other material without explanation, and assaulted a street theatre reenactment of the police attack against the Womble 7 that occurred last Halloween.

In spite of this intimidation, people in England will try to make their voices heard on May Day.

Across the channel in France, a massive conflict is brewing. A march through Paris by the National Front (NF) Party in support of their presidential candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen will pass by a ;memorial gathering for an Brahim Bouaram, an Arab man killed by NF skinheads in 1995. There will also be a separate mass show of unity by various unions and left wing groups.

In Chicago, the birthplace of Mayday, the past week has seen a Critical Mass ride, a conference called "From Local to Global: the Midwest on Fire" and a carnival against capitalism, and more events are planned.

Boston will be holding a "Festival del pueblo." San Francisco's May Day events began with a hundreds-bicyclists-strong Critical Mass ride last Friday and are continuing with a "Festival of Resistance." Various events are planned in /a>New York City, including the opening of an art exhibit featuring the work of NYC IMC photographers. • Also: Minneapolis/St. Paul Italy Barcelona Portugal Portland Arizona Buenos Aires Ontario Melbourne (where the focus will be on the government's terrible treatment of refugees) and Brisbane

Do you have a May Day report or background information that is not included in this feature? Post it here.

[ May Day on the Web | Perspectives on May Day | History of May Day ]



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International Mayday events

01.05.2002 12:37

There is a list of mayday stuff that is/was happening on!


May Day events: The Netherlands (in Dutch)

01.05.2002 12:46

Overzicht van aktiviteiten op woensdag 1 mei, internationale aktiedag tegen het kapitalisme; in diverse plaatsen in Nederland

[uit verschillende bronnen; dit overzicht maakt geen aanspraak op volledigheid]

woensdag 1 mei
15.00 uur De Dam, Amsterdam
Demonstratie georganiseerd door de Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam.

1 mei 2002
De Amsterdamse afdelingen van ABVAKABO FNV, SP, GroenLinks, SAP, NCPN, DIDF en KMAN beleggen hierover een 1 mei-bijeenkomst in:
Hembrugstraat 156 (Spaarndammerbuurt - Amsterdam)
woensdag 1 mei, aanvang 20.00 uur


Gerrie Geldhof, voorzitter OR GVB / ABVAKABO
Roel Walraven, oud-wethouder personeelszaken
Remine Alberts, SP
Frank Köhler, GroenLinks (nog niet zeker)
Voorzitter: Nuri Korabulut, DIDF

m.m.v. Raul Tan Buru, Latijns-Amerikaanse strijdliederen
Den Haag

1 mei 2002
11.00 uur monument Pieter Jelles Troelstra Westbroekpark

20.00 uur Debat: Recht op werk?
Gesubsidieerde arbeid, arbeidsmigratie, illegale arbeid
O.l.v. Henk Kool
KORZO Prinsestraat 42

1 mei comité Den Haag
(Waarin vertegenwoordigd: FNV, Groenlinks, NCPN, NIVON, PvdA en SAP)

De NCPN organiseert op WOENSDAG 1 MEI een openbare vergadering.
Plaats: de Pyramide in Finsterwolde. Spreker: Wil van der Klift, lid partijbestuur.
Aanvang: 20.00 uur. Entree: 0,50 Euro. Ruime mogelijkheid voor discussie.
In de pauze zal er een verloting worden gehouden met vele prijzen.
Bezoek allen deze vergadering!

NCPN afdeling Reiderland.


> Woensdag 1 Mei Demonstratie:
> - 18.00 uur : Verzamelen voor stadhuis Coolsingel 40 Rotterdam
> - 19.00 uur : Aanvang programma
> - 19.30 uur : Start demonstratie
> - 21.30 uur : Afsluiting voor stadhuis met culturele bijdrage
> en de "Internationale"
> Organisatie: Aksi Setiakawan, Comité Rotterdam tegen de nieuwe
> oorlog, FNV afd. R´dam, HTIF, Internationale Socialisten, Komala,
> Ver. Koerdistan Centrum, MLKP, Mumia Steungroep R´dam, PRIME, PSO,
> R.I.S.K., Rode Morgen, SAP, Sociale Alliantie, Verb. vd. 4e
> Internationale.
> e-mail:

19 u.45 De Roef, P. Geertmanstraat 17, Enschede. Sprekers: Annabelle Schouten en Rik Min; cabaret


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