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Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism

Gary | 05.04.2002 23:46

All hatred is evil

Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism. Yes there are technical differences but when it comes down to it the results are the same.

Anti-Semitism led to hatred, violence and the murder of Jews. Such as is with the Spanish Inquisition and the Nazis. Anti-Zionism led to the massacres of 'Zionists,' in the USSR, suicide bombs and violence against synagogues in Paris + Marseille.

Okay you can be anti-Zionist and not anti-Semitic and you can be Jewish and anti-Zionist however all hatred is bad and there is no excuse for violence. Basically anti-Zionism is hatred for ones political belief unlike anti-Semitism, racism, homophobia and sexism that is hatred for ethnicity, gender etc.

The only difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is that they are only different forms of hatred. The similarity is that they both lead to violence.

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Display the following 15 comments

  1. nice try... — J Stroud
  2. Zionism is racism — Dan Brett
  3. That's illogical Captain — Aim Here
  4. weird little fella — dan
  5. Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism is hatred — Gary
  6. Anti-Bastards — Ann Frank
  7. anti does not mean hate — MM
  8. what rubbish... — acorn tributor
  9. Israelis support Hamas — goodwood
  10. Nothing like ill-logic to stir up a bee'snest — magic tortoise
  11. to 'magic tortoise' (sic!) — acorn tributor
  12. to 'magic tortoise' (sic!) — acorn tributor
  13. ZioNazis are anti-semitic and racist — ZioNazis are Genocidal
  14. Jews are not a race — Dan
  15. Hamas=Fascist — Disillusioned kid