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No To the Strategy Of Tension!

For the COBAS CONFEDERATION Pino Giampietro(r | 22.03.2002 12:05

A press release by the Italian COBAS (Base Union) on the murder of Professor Marco Biagi


Preceded by a bomb near the Ministry for Internal Affairs with TV cameras which saw nothing, pre-announced by a secret service report which claimed that government advisers were in the sights of terrorists, there arrives, as punctual as clockwork, the murder of Professor [Marco] Biagi, who (by yet another curious coincidence) had his armed escort in Bologna removed on 1st January last.

This "exemplary" action in its cold-blooded rituality of death is a chilling message to the entire labour movement, to all those who have taken to the streets to demonstrate against the policies of social restoration on the part of the centre-right government, those who are building the mobilization towards the general strike. It is an explicit invitation to stay at home... As the government starts to topple under the weight of social conflict the bombs and murders start - once more the strategy of provocation and/or tension rears its head.

Whoever they may be, the murder is manna from heaven for the Berluskoni government and Confindustria [the Employers' Federation] who have already started a reactionary backlash against the legitimate demands of the workers and the movement of struggle and have announced police and judicial reprisals against the social opposition.

The murder of Professor Biagi is intended to spread fear among the workers and throughout the country.

The Cobas [Base unions] will not allow themselves to be intimidated. We believe that we must double our efforts in the struggle until such a time as the government retracts the changes to Article 18 and Maroni's White Book, to pensions, severance pay, education and tax.

In the face of so much hesitation and withdrawals among the ranks of the mainstream unions, Cobas also believes that it is indispensable to go ahead with the General Strike of all workers at some point during the month of April (the 19th being the most probable date at the moment), a strike which needs to be reinforced through a national demonstration in Rome.

For the COBAS CONFEDERATION Pino Giampietro

[trans. NMcN for A-Infos]

For the COBAS CONFEDERATION Pino Giampietro(r


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  1. Solidarity — Millennium Leia
  2. I petition you, global indymedia collective — J.I.