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MAY DAY 2002

Jolly Green giant | 01.03.2002 16:54

What are we going to do on May day 2002 following last year's debacle ?

I would like to get the debate started about Mayday 2002 - May day being our annual event. I have searched the web butthere are no websites up and running yet - does anyone know of any ? Also how are we going to defeat the police plans this year Section 60 penning in etc ? What will reptilian Livingstone do this coming year ? How will the media begin its hype and how do we fight back ? And why are we so tactically naive, lacking in planning and organisation ? Was anyone imprisoned last year from Mayday activities ? How do we stop arrests - especially now that wearing masks is illegal ? What do the WEombles and Black block propose we do this year ? Has that street football idea - fanciful and merely theatrical - been kicked into touch ? And why ALWAYS london ? what's wrong with Glasgow, Leeds, Birmingham, Sheffield, Manchester or many other places and wouldnt changing the geographical location give the state/police new problems logistically ? If anyone knows where the debates are going on and where the audit/assessment of 2001 is taking place, please post here. Let's get a confident, forward looking, positive and clever discussion going...but be mindful that security should always be a top priority as the state obviously monitors this and other sites. La Lotta continua.

Jolly Green giant
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Display the following 10 comments

  1. Mad-Chester! — Liam G
  2. Logistics are easy — Bobby
  3. Bad memory — rumplestiltskin
  4. Been busy lately? — RA
  5. was it SUCH a 'debacle' ? — a true trotskyist
  6. was it SUCH a 'debacle' ? — a true trotskyist
  7. was it SUCH a 'debacle' ? — a true trotskyist
  8. was it SUCH a 'debacle' ? — a true trotskyist
  9. mayday 2002 info — small_red_leaf
  10. Mayday 'free for all' is a road to nowhere — bored anarchist