The Hunt for Osama - A Rant | 14.02.2002 13:05
I don’t think the US will ever catch Bin Laden, because to be honest, I don’t think they want to. He’s far more useful to them alive. Let me explain why.
I don’t think the US will ever catch Bin Laden, because to be honest, I don’t think they want to. He’s far more useful to them alive. Let me explain why.
Within a few weeks of Bush’s ‘election’, he had advised FBI agents to back of monitoring Bin Laden and the Bin Laden Family, much to the FBI’s anger. After all they’re family friends, Bin Laden’s father Salem Bin Laden funded Dubya’s Oil Company, Arbusto Energy (Arbusto is Bush in Spanish).
Let’s now fast forward to September 11th. Within hours of the horrible events, Osama Bin Laden’s dial was plastered over every TV channel and website in the world as the prime suspect. Why? Because everyone knew he had been planning something big for some time. That’s why the Italian government had missile silo’s placed around the G8 summit last July. So why the cool off the surveillance, especially as he had specified his plan was to come in to force around the millenium?
Overlooking the dodgy evidence, like the ‘How to fly planes’ manual and the seemingly indestructible terrorist passport, lets now move onto Afghanistan. Osama was a guest of the Taliban in Afghanistan, they’d know this for some time. Now the Taliban, knowing they were about to get fucking massacred if they didn’t hand him over, offered a compromise to the Americans so they could both save face:- send Osama to a neutral Islamic County to stand trial. Now the Islamic Trial would have been pretty much useless, we know this, but it would have given the CIA a probably once in a lifetime chance to determine once again the whereabouts of their infamous protégé… if they so wished. Instead they decided to whack Afghanistan, and it’s pseudo Mad Max army into little pieces.
A brief rout later, the war is over. Osama bin Laden has still not been captured and Taliban big cheese Mullah Mohammad Omar escaped the country on a motorbike. All that’s changed is a western friendly government now runs Afghanistan, one that has probably already signed up for the Caspian Basin oil Pipeline that the Taliban opposed.
Osama may have escaped Afghanistan by one of the many drug smuggling routes, he may have been vapourised by a Daisy Cutter, but the truth is we’ll probably never know. While it’s in doubt, the US can go from county to country imposing it’s will on them and placing ‘friendly’ governments that will ‘co-operate with international law’. A similar trick was tried in colonies under the British Empire, heads of state were put in place, but their rule was ultimately subservient to the crown… He’s the Goldstein from Orwell’s 1984, a focus of hatred for the populous to rally around behind their leaders, their ever-present protector.
Iran, Iraq and North Korea, Bush would have us believe, have been conspiring against the west for decades in via secret meetings and clandestine gatherings. Shite. It just so happens that this ‘axis of evil’ consists of three notorious counties on the United States ‘baddies’ list. Along with Cuba, which has never supported or harboured terrorists, or acted aggressively towards the US since Castro’s arrival in 1959. This will continue, year after year, and Osama Bin Laden will never be found, and country after county will slowly be assimilated into the ‘New World Order’ (Tony Blair and Bush Senior’s words, not mine).
I watched a Louix Theroux documentary a while back about the American Militia. They Claimed the New World Order was planning the final stages of it’s world domination within the next few years. How we laughed.
I’m not laughing now.
Within a few weeks of Bush’s ‘election’, he had advised FBI agents to back of monitoring Bin Laden and the Bin Laden Family, much to the FBI’s anger. After all they’re family friends, Bin Laden’s father Salem Bin Laden funded Dubya’s Oil Company, Arbusto Energy (Arbusto is Bush in Spanish).
Let’s now fast forward to September 11th. Within hours of the horrible events, Osama Bin Laden’s dial was plastered over every TV channel and website in the world as the prime suspect. Why? Because everyone knew he had been planning something big for some time. That’s why the Italian government had missile silo’s placed around the G8 summit last July. So why the cool off the surveillance, especially as he had specified his plan was to come in to force around the millenium?
Overlooking the dodgy evidence, like the ‘How to fly planes’ manual and the seemingly indestructible terrorist passport, lets now move onto Afghanistan. Osama was a guest of the Taliban in Afghanistan, they’d know this for some time. Now the Taliban, knowing they were about to get fucking massacred if they didn’t hand him over, offered a compromise to the Americans so they could both save face:- send Osama to a neutral Islamic County to stand trial. Now the Islamic Trial would have been pretty much useless, we know this, but it would have given the CIA a probably once in a lifetime chance to determine once again the whereabouts of their infamous protégé… if they so wished. Instead they decided to whack Afghanistan, and it’s pseudo Mad Max army into little pieces.
A brief rout later, the war is over. Osama bin Laden has still not been captured and Taliban big cheese Mullah Mohammad Omar escaped the country on a motorbike. All that’s changed is a western friendly government now runs Afghanistan, one that has probably already signed up for the Caspian Basin oil Pipeline that the Taliban opposed.
Osama may have escaped Afghanistan by one of the many drug smuggling routes, he may have been vapourised by a Daisy Cutter, but the truth is we’ll probably never know. While it’s in doubt, the US can go from county to country imposing it’s will on them and placing ‘friendly’ governments that will ‘co-operate with international law’. A similar trick was tried in colonies under the British Empire, heads of state were put in place, but their rule was ultimately subservient to the crown… He’s the Goldstein from Orwell’s 1984, a focus of hatred for the populous to rally around behind their leaders, their ever-present protector.
Iran, Iraq and North Korea, Bush would have us believe, have been conspiring against the west for decades in via secret meetings and clandestine gatherings. Shite. It just so happens that this ‘axis of evil’ consists of three notorious counties on the United States ‘baddies’ list. Along with Cuba, which has never supported or harboured terrorists, or acted aggressively towards the US since Castro’s arrival in 1959. This will continue, year after year, and Osama Bin Laden will never be found, and country after county will slowly be assimilated into the ‘New World Order’ (Tony Blair and Bush Senior’s words, not mine).
I watched a Louix Theroux documentary a while back about the American Militia. They Claimed the New World Order was planning the final stages of it’s world domination within the next few years. How we laughed.
I’m not laughing now.
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Sources for abover article
14.02.2002 14:11
US agents told to back off bin Ladens (also contains info about Bush/Bin Laden connection)
G8 summit may have been Bin Laden target
Blair's 'New World Order' Speech
14.02.2002 15:11
The Spookfinder General
Much has changed and the war's NOT over
14.02.2002 20:27
3000 plus Afghan civilians are now dead, often with extremely serious consequences for their surviving relatives, aside from the emotional trauma of having ones wife/husband/child blown to pieces.
Tens of thousands of refugees face a bleak and possibly fatal winter as a direct result of the bombing and current security situation.
The US airforce are still bombing, while the CIA, acting independently and without scrutiny, are now roaming the country and flying their own armed drones.
Security and safety in Mazar - I - Sharif, Kandahar and Kabul and many rural areas are very precarious, and across the country violent lawlessness prevails. Vying for power and influence by heavily armed groups is now widespread.
One regime of psychotic gangsters has been replaced by another, under which the opium crop is coming along nicely.
The new regime is hostile to Pakistan and has close links with India. Prior to the US onslaught the reverse was true.
The US has acquired new, and possibly permanent, military bases in Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This will be useful in their strategy of dominating access to Caspian Sea oil/gas reserves and the profits they offer, and also helps the broader policy of encircling China.
Pakistan, a nuclear armed, military dictatorship known to support terrorism, and a close ally of the Taleban, has been transformed from an international pariah subject to sanctions, into a Washington favourite. Arms sales have resumed, debts have been forgiven and Musharraf has been forgiven for stealing power from a democratically elected (albeit corrupt) government.
Meanwhile, elements of Musharraf's regime are still supporting both Taleban/al Qaeda and Muslim separatists in Kashmir. Attacks on the State Assembly in Kashmir and the Delhi Parliament saw India openly accuse Pakistan of supporting the perpetrators. The two nuclear armed nations stand close to war, with massive mobilizations of forces by both, and increased border shelling. India's recent missile test did nothing to reduce tensions, rather like Tony Blair's visit to sell Hawk jets, or the lifting of US sanctions on arms sales. Talk about pouring petrol on the fire!
Members of "The Coalition against Terrorism" can now get on with their own terrorism unhindered. We can forget any chance of the U.S. challenging China on it's illegal occupation of Tibet or widespread human rights abuses. Russia can continue the slaughter in Chechnya and ignore political solutions to the problems there. And Ariel Sharon can make the 35 year illegal occupation of Palestinian territories even more brutal, safe in the knowledge that he is committing the "right kind" of terrorism.
Meanwhile there's been absolutely no progress toward getting justice for the three thousand people murdered on September 11th.
Ron F
Bin Gone
15.02.2002 12:56
Bin Had
Bin Dead
15.02.2002 19:20
But the US administration finds it convenient to keep Bin Laden "alive" for propaganda purposes.
Anarchist Rioter