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Yankkky bomber crashes! We celebrate!

bring_back_the_real_daniel_brett | 12.12.2001 19:07

Yankkks crash into Indian oceans but no bombs are needed. Daeth to Amerikkka!

A US B-1 bomber has crashed into the Indian Ocean 30 miles (48kms) north of the British base of Diego Garcia.
The Pentagon said a mission was under way to try to rescue the plane's crew of four.

Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke told journalists in Washington that there were no details of the casualties or how the accident happened.

"This underscores what we try to remember all the time - that the men and women in the US military put their lives at risk every single day," she said.

Another Pentagon official said there were few such planes in operation.



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12.12.2001 20:32

FUCK THE MILITARY, let them all die

wonko the sane

become human

12.12.2001 23:48

Get real! There's no joy in anyone's death, however deluded.

dwight heet

these kids are dupes

12.12.2001 23:48

and it's sad when kids die. whoever they are. including when they have been duped into believing a lot of hogwash patriotism, had no proper education, never travelled and met different people, had any rebellion beaten out of them, had no real choice but to join the army to get out of the shithole where they live and/or avoid even crappier work. OK maybe the pilots of this plane are top gun worshipping wankers who haven't thought about the consequences of what they do, but if we go round advocating and celebrating the death of anybody who ever wanked a bit, or made some poor judgements under pressure - well there won't be many of us left.
I'm for life, not death, for justice not going hurray when
people die. hope we're not a dying breed?


If you liked this...

13.12.2001 00:28 must have loved September 11th. Grow up quickly, before you find yourself doing indefensible things on behalf of dubious causes that you'll eventually regret.



13.12.2001 02:22

I am dissappointed how people that claim to love peace celebrate death so readily. I was in the US Army for three years and I am PROUD of it. I am a lawyer now and have an independent practice. I am extremely well educated. What would you do if someonce shot you in the foot? Would you take it or would you shoot them in the head. Not confronting terrorism is similar. How about you all go to Afghanistan since you so readily support terrorism? I bet they would just welcome you with open arms.

Dan G.


13.12.2001 06:06

Wow, a whole fucking thread by agents provocoteurs.

Grow up guys.


lawyer? so what!

13.12.2001 06:47

there are a shitload of bad lawyers in the USA.
education is a joke too..
i pretty much rate a person's intelligence on their political afiliations these days
patriot=not so bright
pacifist=too bright

pretty simple logic but it's worked out so far
